Git for Apache committers
Following instructions are intended for Apache committers only.
This a simple guide showing what combination of commands you need to execute in order to set up Git the way that you can commit your changes back from Git to SVN. This guide is based on experience collected from and mailing list. It does not explain all details but should be sufficient to start working with Git effectively.
The following steps are needed to clone project from git-svn mirrors:
Trunk split
Since the trunk was split (specialpurpose and hotdeploy merged in plugins, framework and plugins being apart), there are 3 repositories available at
- Only the framework:
- Only the plugins:
- Only the release branches (the rest is stuck at the split date):
git clone git:// cd ofbiz/.git; wget; cd .. git config svn.authorsfile ".git/authors.txt" git svn init --prefix=origin/ --tags=tags --trunk=trunk --branches=branches git svn rebase
At this point everything is set up correctly so if you commit something into Git this can be pushed back to SVN. Before you start experimenting with committing with Git it's probably the best idea to learn two basic yet useful tools: git gui and gitk. They are straightforward enough that they do not need any further explanations; it's enough to run them and play for a while.
After you commit first changes into Git you will probably want to push them back to SVN. Just make sure that you are in master branch (trunk) by using git gui or git branch commands and then execute
git svn dcommit
This command will push your changes back to SVN and that's it!
There are a lot of different introductory pages and the purpose of this little tutorial was to show Apache-specific information.