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Project Vision

Everything living needs to have a direction and vision of where it wants to go and what it wants to be otherwise it simply doesn't get there.

The long term vision of the Apache OFBiz project is to deliver the foundation for universal, configurable, complete, feature set rich "enterprise automation software"  solutions (ERP, CRM, CMMS, MRP etc)


The overall aim is for the applications is not to create the perfect solution at a detailed level for every business but to ensure that the OFBiz remains generic enough to meet the requirements of the majority of businesses.


We cannot target all functionality that will be needed by all organizations, or even all markets or industries. Our goal for the applications and application components is to include as much generic functionality as possible. This will allow many medium and large size organizations to get something useful running quickly and make it possible to concentrate resources on organization specific customizations.” - David E. Jones

What is Apache OFBiz?

Apache OFBiz is a suite of enterprise applications built on a common architecture using common data, logic and process components.This means it can be used as an ERP, CRM, E-Business/E-Commerce, SCM, MRP, MMS/EAM, POS or just as a framework to build applications.


The tools and architecture of OFBiz make it easy to efficiently develop and maintain enterprise applications  and also makes to customize or extend existing functionality for specific requirements (e.g business sector / industry).

Project Objectives

  • To continue developing and improving OFBiz
  • To build the OFBiz community and encourage active particpation and collaboration
  • To promote and encourage adoption of OFBiz as an opensource solution

Project Direction

From the latest community discussions and consensus we would like to focus OFBiz work along the following paths:

  • OFBiz UI Re-design
  • OFBiz Documentation
  • OFBiz Re-Factoring
  • OFBiz Branding
  • OFBiz Plug In Management ?

Project Roadmaps

Draft roadmaps for each of the areas mentioned in the project direction have been put together highlighting the key tasks involved in each of these areas.


To achieve this vision and our objectives we need community help and involvement. Please take a look at any area that you are interested in to see if you can help.







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  1. This is a very good document, thank you Sharan!

    In my opinion the project vision should be slightly more oriented to the fact that OFBiz is also a framework that you can use to build enterprise applications from scratch; and also that it will be very difficult (because of diversity and complexity) to deliver universal and feature rich applications that are ready to use.

    Maybe something like this would be enough:

    The long term vision of the Apache OFBiz project is to deliver the foundation for universal, configurable, complete, feature set rich, "enterprise automation software" solutions (ERP, CRM, CMMS, MRP etc)

    Apart from this, here are some minor misc points:

    • "The loosely coupled nature of the applications [...]": unfortunately the applications are far from being loosely coupled
    • there is probably a typo in the sentence: "[...] we would like to do work OFBiz related work along [...]"
    • "OFBiz Core": we should find a better name for this layer
  2. I've updated the page based on your comments. I've also renamed "OFBiz Core" to "OFBiz Kernel"