6.02. Intermediate - Creating the CXF SU
We are going to create the main SU of our project : the CXF EJB proxy.
The Maven pom.xml
First of all, we create the pom.xml :
We are using EJBs deploying in a JBoss application server : that's why we need the JBoss client dependency.
The EJB provider needs to provide the local and home interfaces (and eventually the stub) for the EJB server side.
JBI xbean.xml
Now we can setup the xbean.xml (in the src/main/resources directory) to expose our EJB :
Warning : only EJB Session Stateless can be exposed like this.
The EJB Proxy interface and implementation
You can see in the xbean that we need the service impl and interface for the CXF endpoint.
So we create the MyEJB interface :
and the corresponding impl :
Our EJB is now available in ServiceMix as a service registered in the NMR.
So now, we use the EJB service via a binding component
Proceed to the next step
1 Comment
i have some questions,
'im beginner so can you please add more explanation