Loan Broker example
You can also read this article by Mohan Vamsi which describes this example:
Implement two-way communication among ESB components
You can use a PHP Stomp client to test this example...
- Patch examples/loan-broker/src/components/loanbroker/ with the patch below to allow String parameters
- Configure activemq.xml to have a <transportConnector uri="stomp://localhost:61626"/>
- Run: ant setup as per the README.txt
- Run: ../../bin/servicemix servicemix.xml (as per the README.txt)
- Download Dejan Bosanac's extended Stomp PHP library from:
- Copy Stomp.php and JSON.php to an appropriate location
- Put the following PHP code into LoanBrokerTest.php
- Run: php LoanBrokerTest.php (sample response message output shown below)
Building on steps 1-4 from above and using a Perl client...
- Download Net-Stomp Perl module from:
- Download Class-Accessor module from:
- Make the libraries and copy to an appropriate location
- Put the following Perl code into
- Run: perl (sample response output below)