ServiceMix comes with a server that you can either embed in Spring or Geronimo or you can run the server as a stand alone process. To run ServiceMix in standalone mode, get a binary download of ServiceMix and type the following commands in a terminal
cd $SERVICEMIX_HOME bin/servicemix
You should now have ServiceMix running with a basic configuration - but no components.
For configuration options - see Configuration.
When the server is running, whether embedded or as a stand alone service you should be able to use a JMX Console to monitor the statistics and state of the server.
For more details on Installing and Running ServiceMix please see Getting Started.
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
With servicemix-1.0-M1, I get the following message when I attempt to run servicemix using the instructions on this page:
C:\servicemix-1.0-M1>cd bin
The input line is too long.
was unexpected at this time.
Joseph Dennis O. Gapuz
I tested servicemix-1.0-M1 and it works on my Windows XP machine placing it on C:\servicemix-1.0-M1>.
I only get the above error when I put the servicemix folder in a "deep" subdirectory.
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
I am running Windows 2000 professional, and simply expanded the zip to c:\ (not a "deep" subdirectory).
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
The loop in servicemix.bat that sets the LOCALCLASSPATH is the culprit. I set my CLASSPATH to "", but the generated LOCALCLASSPATH is still too long (for Windows 2000).
When I figure out a fix, I will post it.
The problem lies within:
for %%i in ("%SERVICEMIX_HOME%*.jar") do call "%SERVICEMIX_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat" %%i
for %%i in ("%SERVICEMIX_HOME%\lib*.jar") do call "%SERVICEMIX_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat" %%i
for %%i in ("%SERVICEMIX_HOME%\lib\optional*.jar") do call "%SERVICEMIX_HOME%\bin\lcp.bat" %%i
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
On computers running Microsoft Windows XP or later, the maximum length of the string that you can use at the command prompt is 8191 characters. On computers running Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0, the maximum length of the string that you can use at the command prompt is 2047 characters.
This limitation applies to the command line, individual environment variables (such as the PATH variable) that are inherited by other processes, and all environment variable expansions. If you use Command Prompt to run batch files, this limitation also applies to batch file processing.
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
To verify that the command line length is the problem, I renamed most of the jars and the folders to really short names and moved the scripts to the root directory. All seems to run well, but this is obviously an ugly way to deal with the problem. I'll post any better fix that I can come up with.
Jonas B. Lim
A fixed has been added to the servicemix batch file. The issue was resolved by using the java system property "java.ext.dirs" to set the servicemix classpath. I've already verified this to work for windows xp. Have yet to grab hold of windows 2000/NT to test it there =)
Unknown User (johnreynolds)
I have just downloaded servicemix-1.0M2, and I am happy to report that the fix works on Windows 2000. Thanks Jonas.
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