
CLI command



Search for tenants based on the partial domain value entered.

  • List out tenants whose domain names have a particular letter or punctuation. For example, the following would provide details of all the tenants that have the letter k in the domain name.
  • List out tenants whose domain names have a specific sequence of letters and punctuation. For example, the following would provide details of all the tenants that have .com in the domain name.

  • List out tenants by the domain name. For example, the following would list out the tenant with the domain name frank.com.


The search for tenants via partial domain will only succeed if the characters entered when executing the command are included in a tenant domain/s at the time of the search. If there are no tenant domains to match the given search the CLI Tool will return No tenants found as the output.

Command format

list-tenants <PARTIAL_DOMAIN>


Use case:  Retrieve details of all the available tenants whose domain name have the sequence of: .com.

list-tenants .com

Sample output

Tenants found:
| tenantDomain | tenantID | active | email          | createdDate                  |
| frank.com    | 1        | true   | foo@bar.com    | Mon Mar 16 09:48:19 IST 2015 |
| apache.com   | 2        | true   | apache@bar.com | Mon Mar 16 09:49:07 IST 2015 |

For information on the property definitions, see Tenant Resource Definition.

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