How do I...

SSH to master node

Navigate to the cloned repository directory <SETUP_HOME> and run the following command:

     vagrant ssh master

SSH to minion-1 node

Navigate to the cloned repository directory  <SETUP_HOME> and run the following command:

     vagrant ssh minion-1

SSH to minion-2 node

Navigate to the cloned repository directory <SETUP_HOME> and run the following command:

     vagrant ssh minion-2

List all the machines in CoreOS cluster

ssh to the master node

     fleetctl list-machines

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ fleetctl list-machines
07215782...    -
4b56425a...    -
bf39a4c4...    -

List the available replication controllers

ssh to master node

     kubectl list /replicationControllers

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ kubectl list /replicationControllers
ID                  Image(s)                           Selector         Replicas
test2.php.domain     name=php         2

List the available pods

ssh to master node

     kubectl list /pods

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ kubectl list /pods
ID                                     Image(s)     Host                Labels                               Status
115bbe15-49ff-11e4-91b7-08002794b041   stratos-php       name=php,replicationController=php   Waiting
115cc7e9-49ff-11e4-91b7-08002794b041   stratos-php       name=php,replicationController=php   Waiting

Tail the Kubernetes log

ssh to master node

     journalctl -f

Restart the Kubernetes scheduler

ssh to master node

     systemctl restart scheduler

List all the Docker containers in a node

ssh to the node

     docker ps

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS   PORTS
37e3303eb337        stratos-php:latest           "/bin/sh -c '/usr/lo   2 minutes ago       Up                
a3f787d0a7ae        kubernetes/pause:latest      "/pause"               2 minutes ago       Up>80/tcp

Get the IP address of a Docker container

ssh to the node

     docker inspect CONTAINER-ID | grep IPAddress

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ docker inspect a3f787d0a7ae | grep IPAddress
IPAddress": "",

SSH to a Docker container
  1. ssh to the node
    ssh root@CONTAINER-IPAddress
  2. enter g as the password

Kill a Docker container

ssh to the node

    docker kill CONTAINER-ID

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@minion-1 ~ $ docker kill 6f5ba525f9ab

Another container will be created within a few seconds.

Get info of a specific replicationController as a JSON

ssh to the master node

     kubectl -json get /replicationControllers/REPLICATION-CONTROLLER-ID

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $  kubectl -json get /replicationControllers/test2.php.domain

Update a specific replicationController
  1. ssh to the master node

  2. Get the replication controller info as a json as above and save it to a file
    kubectl -json get /replicationControllers/REPLICATION-CONTROLLER-ID >> rep-controller.json
  3. Edit the rep-controller.json (for example, set replicas to 0)
  4. Update the replicationController.
     kubectl -c rep-controller.json update /replicationControllers/REPLICATION-CONTROLLER-ID

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ kubectl -c raj.json update /replicationControllers/test2.php.domain
ID                  Image(s)                         Selector                Replicas
test2.php.domain   name=test2.php.domain   0

This will delete all the pods immediately.

Delete a pod
  1. ssh to the master node
  2. get the pod ID using kubectl list /pods
     kubectl delete pods/POD-ID

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ kubectl delete pods/3ed5c5a6-4a0a-11e4-91b7-08002794b041
I1002 08:01:25.351501 02112 request.go:292] Waiting for completion of /operations/67

Delete a replicationController
  1. ssh to the master node
  2. Get the replicationController ID using kubectl list /replicationControllers
     kubectl delete replicationControllers/REPLICATION-CONTROLLER-ID

The following is a sample of the output that will appear:

core@master ~ $ kubectl delete /replicationControllers/test2.php.domain
I1002 08:32:47.187198 02150 request.go:292] Waiting for completion of /operations/86

If you unsubscribe from the cartridge, the replicationControllers, pods and containers for that service cluster will be wiped out. 

Destroy a Kubernetes cluster
  1. Navigate to the folder that has the Kubernetes setup.
    For example:

    cd kubernetes-vagrant-setup


  2. Destroy the cluster.

    vagrant destroy -f


  3. Remove the Vagrant file.

    rm -rf .vagrant/


Check the CoreOS version

Execute the following command to check the CoreOS version being used for the Kubernetes cluster:

cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="CoreOS 536.0.0"




  • No labels