It is very often a developer needs to add a new CQD in Trafodion. This guide try to provide some basic steps about how to do that for a newbie.

Step-by-step guide

  1. First, find a good name. For example, MY_TEST_CQD, must be upper cases.
  2. open defaultConstants.h , add your CQD into DefaultConstants enum.
    no need to keep alphabetical order
  3. open nadefaults.cpp  , add your CQD into defaultDefaults array
    keep in alphabetical order. Please read the comments and understand those DDxxx macros for example, DDui allows only nonnegative integral values (ui=unsigned int), for most CQD as a flag, only ON/OFF is requried, use DDkwd
  4. optionally, you may need to take look at NADefaults::token() function in nadefaults.cpp file
     this function will do more semantics checking. If your new CQD only accept ON/OFF, or other fixed version, no need to change anything here, but if your CQD can accept random string/value, you must add a new checking rule in this function
  5. optionally, the CQD values need to validate, so you need to change the functions in synthType.cpp as well


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