These are the highlights of new features or additions to existing features in 6.0.0. For the complete list of all changes see this JIRA Release Notes.
- ATS 6.0.0 Release Notes
- 21 New Features
- 92 Improvements
- 172 Fixed Bugs
- 4 Tasks
New Features
HTTP/2 in this release is stable. Not everything from the H2 specifications is supported. In particular
- Priorities
- Server PUSH
- HTTP/2 over non-TLS
are not supported. In addition, HTTP/2 is only supported on the client side, outbound HTTP/2 is not supported yet (i.e. we only support proxying H2 to an HTTP/1.1 backend server (origin)). For some details on the implementation, see the TS-2729 Jira.
The following records.config settings are needed to enable HTTP/2 on trafficserver in 5.3.x:
CONFIG proxy.config.http2.enabled INT 1
Additionally, there should be at least one TLS port configured in proxy.config.http.server_ports.
For example,
CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 80 443:ssl
Logging Additions
- Application protocol (HTTP/2, HTTP/1, SPDY/3.1), with %<cqpv>.
- Milestones/state times of a transactions to get a better understanding of where time for responses is spent.
- SSL session hit or miss
- Connection reuse or new connection for the request
- Pre-configured log formats removed in favor of logs_xml.config
Wiretracing TLS
- Ability to wire trace and log TLS connections. See "New Configuration Options" below.
- Added support for PCRE Jit for regex_map. Automatically used when compiled on a system that supports it. There is a speed improvement over normal PCRE matching.
Deprecated Features
- Removed support for RHEL5
- Removed predefined log formats and reproduced in default logs_xml.config
Future Deprecated Features
- traffic_line command line program will be removed in the 7.0.0 release and is replaced by the command line program traffic_ctl
- SPDY support will be removed in the 7.0.0 release and is replaced by only supporting HTTP/2
New Configuration Options
- proxy.config.http.websocket.max_number_of_connections
- proxy.config.http.max_post_size
- proxy.config.http.cache.generation
- proxy.config.http.cache.open_write_fail_action
- proxy.config.cache.read_while_writer.max_retries
- proxy.config.cache.read_while_writer_retry.delay
- proxy.config.log.periodic_tasks_interval
- proxy.config.ssl.handshake_timeout_in
- proxy.config.ssl.wire_trace_enabled
- proxy.config.ssl.wire_trace_addrproxy.config.ssl.wire_trace_percentage
- proxy.config.ssl.wire_trace_server_name
- proxy.config.http2.accept_no_activity_timeout
- proxy.config.http2.no_activity_timeout_in
- proxy.config.allocator.hugepages
New Metrics
- HTTP/2 Metrics
- proxy.process.http2.total_client_streams
- proxy.process.http2.total_transactions_time
- proxy.process.http2.total_client_connections
- proxy.process.http2.connection_errors
- proxy.process.http2.stream_errors
New Plugins (in experimental)
- stream_editor - Plugins for modifying the content of a response using a string or regular expression substitution
- mp4 - Allows for starting at the offset of a mp4 video stream
- cache_promote - Give better granularity on when an object is allowed to be written into the cache.