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Bean tags

Struts tag

JSTL tag or implicit object


Use implicit object cookie that contains a a read-only collection of Cookie objects




Use implicit object header that contains a read-only collection of request headers


Use <c:import> JSTL action


Use %3Cfmt:message%3E JSTL action


Simply refer to the bean name, JSTL will automatically search for it in page, request, session and application scopes


Use implicit JSTL objects param and paramValues




No match


No match


Use <c:out> JSTL tag. On JSP 2.0 container simply use ${...} construct

Logic tags

Two most notable tags that you will still be using are <logic:messagesNotPresent>, <logic:messagesPresent>. Other tags can be replaced with JSTL tags or with better practices, like performing redirect or forward from an action class.

Struts tag

JSTL tag or implicit object


<c:if test="${empty ...}">


<c:if test="...">


No strict match. You can use <c:forward> with extracted path


<c:if test="...">


<c:if test="...">




<c:if test="...">


<c:if test="...">




No match


No match


<c:if test="${not empty ...}">


<c:if test="...">




<c:if test="...">


<c:if test="...">


No strict match. You can use <c:redirect> with extracted path

Nested tags

Struts <nested:xxx> tags are used for two purposes:

  • to iterate through and display content of nested beans
  • to generate proper names of input elements, so these name could be parsed on input phase

JSTL <c:forEach> helps to iterate and display content of nested beans only, because JSTL is positioned as render-only technology. Therefore choosing JSTL <c:forEach> tag over Struts <nested:xxx> tags is not an obvious choice.

See example here: JSTLTagsNested

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