A PreResultListener can affect an action invocation between the interceptor/action phase and the result phase. Typical uses include switching to a different Result or somehow modifying the Result or Action objects before the Result executes.


A PreResultListener can be added by an Action or an Interceptor.

By an Action

  public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
     public String execute() throws Exception {
         ActionInvocation invocation = ActionContext.getContext().getActionInvocation();
         invocation.addPreResultListener(new PreResultListener() {
              public void beforeResult(ActionInvocation invocation, 
                                       String resultCode) {
                  // perform operation necessary before Result execution

By an Interceptor

  public class MyInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor {
      public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
         invocation.addPreResultListener(new PreResultListener() {
              public void beforeResult(ActionInvocation invocation, 
                                       String resultCode) {
                  // perform operation necessary before Result execution

Next: Localization

  • No labels


  1. getActionInvocation is not static

    ActionInvocation invocation = ActionContext.getActionInvocation();

    Should be changed to

    ActionInvocation invocation = ActionContext.getContext().getActionInvocation();