|[Shale Home|http://struts.apache.org/struts-shale/index.html]|[Wiki Home|Shale]|[User Docs|Shale/UserDocs]|[Index|Shale/SiteMap]|[Guidelines|Shale/WikiGuidelines]|{link-to:@parent}Go Up{link-to}| ---- h3. Articles (most recent first) | *Title* | *Source* | *Date* | | [JSF frameworks: Shale and Seam|http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-05-2006/jw-0515-jsf.html] | JavaWorld | May 2006 | | [All Hail Shale: Anatomy of a Shale application|http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-shale05126/] | IBM DeveloperWorks | May 2006 | | [Apache Shale Takes JSF to the Next Level|http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/31419?trk=DXRSS_JAVA] | DevX.com | May 2006 | | [All Hail Shale: Shale isn't Struts|http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-shale0228/?ca=dgr-lnxw07Shale] | IBM DeveloperWorks | Feb. 2006 | | [Shale Simplifies Remoting|http://jroller.com/page/dgeary?entry=shale_approaches_1_0_simplifies] | David Geary's Blog | Jan 2006 | | [Building JavaOne Shale Demo|http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/wilfred?entry=building_shale_javaone_demo] | Wilfred's Blog | Sept 2005 | | [Shale Adds Tiles Integration|http://jroller.com/page/dgeary?entry=shale_adds_tiles_integration] | David Geary's Blog | July 2005 | | [Shale Adds Web Flow|http://jroller.com/page/dgeary?entry=shale_adds_web_flow1] | David Geary's Blog | May 2005 | | [Shale Adds Validation Support|http://www.jroller.com/page/dgeary/20050419#added_commons_validator_support_to] | David Geary's Blog | April 2005 | | [Shale Cometh|http://www.jroller.com/page/dgeary/20050321#shale_cometh] | David Geary's Blog | March 2005 | | [Customising the ViewControllerMapper|http://www.groundside.com/blog/content/DuncanMills/J2EE+Development/?permalink=C6020059D201AAC49C5E9106A181C8E6.txt] | Duncan Mills's Blog | March 2005 | | [The ViewController Lifecycle|http://www.groundside.com/blog/content/DuncanMills/J2EE+Development/?permalink=9074324708A06EE85EE4720495475AA9.txt] | Duncan Mills's Blog | March 2005 | h3. Books (most recent first) | *Title* | *Author* | *Publisher* | *Publish Date* | _March 2006_ - none as yet, although a few possibilities seem to be brewing.
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