Struts is a growing project and new volunteers are always needed. Struts Committers make the final changes to the documentation or codebase, but there are several other tasks that others can help us with.
- Summarize the more interesting threads from the User and Developer lists and post them to the StrutsNewFaqs page
- Review the Bugzilla tickets with patches and let us know if the patch work for you
- Vote for Bugzilla tickets that apply to your own work. Provide or test the patch for these, if you can
- Help develop more unit tests for Struts classes and submit your tests through Bugzilla
- Review the tickets marked REMIND or LATER, and add a note to any that you think are redundant or obsolete. This will make it easier for a Committer to determine whether to reopen the ticket as an enhancement or to resolve it as invalid or won't fix.
- * A maintainer for the conventional Struts taglibs package is needed.* If you are motivated, self-starting developer who is actively using these tags, groks the Apache Way, and can spare the time, please take a look at the outstanding reports for the taglibs components, and start submitting patches for our consideration.