- Introduction
- Forward into the Past !
- What is Struts 2 ?
- Basic Concepts
- Overview
- Request, Response
- Model, View, Controller (MVC)
- The Struts 2 Architecture
- The Struts 2 Request Flow
- Building Model Components
- Overview
- Building View Components
- Overview
- Bundled View Components
- Using JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Using Freemarker Templates
- Using Velocity Templates
- Other
- Internationalization
- Using Tags in Your View Components
- Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL)
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
- Form tags
- Non-form tags
- AJAX tags
- Themes
- Templates
- Building Controller Components
- Overview
- Using Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) as Controllers
- Enhanced Controllers
- Error Handling
- Mapping
- Using the Default Action Mapping
- Using Wildcards in Action Mapping
- Type Conversion
- Action Population
- Interceptors
- Validating the Controllers
- Validator Types
- Built-in Validators
- Configuration
- Overview
- Configuration by Convention
- Zero Configuration: No More XML
- Using Annotations for Configuration
- The Configuration Files
- The Struts Configuration Descriptor: struts.xml
- Splitting your Configuration Descriptor
- The Web Application Deployment Descriptor: web.xml
- Configure the Struts Filter Instance
- Configure the Struts Filter Mapping
- Configure Struts Taglib
- Additional Struts 2 Settings: struts.properties
- The Struts Configuration Descriptor: struts.xml
- Plugins
- Overview
- Built-in Plugins
- Portlets
- Overview
- Configuration
- JavaServer Faces (JSF)
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Release Notes
- Installation
Content Tools