Using Popup Component
From the examples/popup.jsp file in the MyFaces package, you'll find the following code snippet:
<t:popup styleClass="popup" closePopupOnExitingElement="true" closePopupOnExitingPopup="true" displayAtDistanceX="10" displayAtDistanceY="10" > <h:outputText value="This is the second textual text situation."/> <f:facet name="popup"> <h:panelGroup> <h:panelGrid columns="1" > <h:outputText value="Popup Text 2"/> </h:panelGrid> </h:panelGroup> </f:facet> </t:popup>
In a ShaleClay configuration file, it would look like the following:
<element renderId="2" jsfid="t:popup">
<set name="styleClass" value="popup"/>
<set name="closePopupOnExitingElement" value="true"/>
<set name="closePopupOnExitingPopup" value="true"/>
<set name="displayAtDistanceX" value="10"/>
<set name="displayAtDistanceY" value="10"/>
<element renderId="1" jsfid="outputText">
<set name="value" value="This is the second textual text situation." />
<element renderId="2" jsfid="panelGroup" facetName="popup" >
<element renderId="1" jsfid="panelGrid">
<set name="columns" value="1"/>
<element renderId="1" jsfid="outputText">
<set name="value" value="Popup Text 2" />