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Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host:Nadia Jiang 

Next Meeting Host :肖宇

Attendees: Trista Pan, Dianjin Wang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Gang Li, Min Ji, Nadia Jiang, Guo Wei, 


  1. CoC Asia 2024 venue: 浙大森林 (ZITOWN) -recommend
    1. the price listed as follow. The total expenses should be within 150,000, including dining, etc. (The cost for 2023 was 400,000).
    2. Most weekends from June to August are available at the moment. We need to make a decision first before confirming with the venue.
      1. late July / early August Fri-Sun : July 26,27,28 & Aug 2,3,4
    3. to dos: Nadia Jiang make a reservation for the space, Willem Ning Jiang communicate with the ASF
  2. IoTDB summit - Dec 3 (12.3) 望京丽都皇冠假日酒店
    1. 欢迎大家帮忙宣传
    2. 如果客户群体有重合,欢迎大家&商务同学来,客户:能源、电力、钢铁、航空、车联网
    3. 邀请了美国国家工程院院士、Julian 会来线下参会,Christofer 线上分享
    4. 中国通信学会开源技术委员会,明年计划组织一些活动,感兴趣的朋友可以联系向东老师加入
  3. Open Source Congress 2024
  4. Jan. 7, 2024, venue: checked with Xiangdong Huang 

Nov 16th,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Ted
Next Meeting Host::Nadia Jiang 

Attendees: Trista Pan, tison, Dianjin Wang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted LIu, Gang Li, Min Ji, Nadia Jiang, Lidong Dai, Jerry Tan


1. To-Do from the last meeting

  • a. It is necessary to establish a Steering Committee for CoC Asia 2024 to prepare for the conference and fundraising matters.
    • CoC EU'24 June 3-5,
    • CoC NA'24 in September (TBD),
    • The CoC Asia'24 event is expected to take place towards the end of July or early August.
      • CoC Asia 2024 venue: to be determined by the end of November Nadia Jiang 
  • b. ALC Beijing 2023 annual meeting date/venue?
