Versions Compared


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Comment: add version and link to HIVE-17072 for junit.parallel.timeout


  • -Dqfile=XXXXXX.q  - To run one or more specific query file tests. For the exact format, check the Query Unit Test paragraph. If not provided only those query files from ql/src/test/queries/clientpositive directory will be run which are mentioned in itests/src/test/resources/ in the beeline.positive.include parameter.

  • -Dtest.output.overwrite=true - This will rewrite the output of the q.out files in ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/beeline. The default value is false, and it will check the current output against the golden files

  • -Dtest.rewrite.source.tables=true - This will change the query files, and the query output files so the output files will remain the same than before (without creating a specific database for the tests). The default value is true.
  • -Djunit.parallel.threads=10 - The number of the parallel threads running the tests. The default is 10.
  • -Djunit.parallel.timeout=10 - The tests are terminated after the given timeout. The parameter is set in minutes and the default is 10 minutes. (As of HIVE 3.0.0.)
  • The BeeLine tests could run against an existing cluster. Or if not provided then against a MiniHS2 cluster created during the tests
    • -Dtest.beeline.url - The jdbc url which should be used to connect to the existing cluster. If not set then a MiniHS2 cluster will be created instead
    • -Dtest.beeline.user - The user which should be used to connect to the cluster. If not set "user" will be used
    • -Dtest.beeline.password - The password which should be used to connect to the cluster. If not set "password" will be used
    • - The test data directory on the cluster. If not set <HIVEROOT>/data/files will be used
