Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The total number of files in incubator-netbeans is 44,324.

Automatically convertible by the tool for analyzing and changing GPL+CDDL license headers is 29,496.

That leaves 14,828 that currently cannot be automatically be converted and that need to be investigated or that indicate the tool needs to be finetuned.

Some file types by definition are excluded since they don't have licenses at all. When identifying the problematic areas for the relicensing process in incubator-netbeans, the following types of files are relevant:


  • Statistics column is for number of files and any other numbers.


Tool for analyzing and changing GPL+CDDL license headers

A tool to analyze and change the license headers is attached here. The tool does the following to the license headers:
