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  • Allow to create a party from where it could be needed
    • By putting link to https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/createnew everywhere we have a party lookup, using the party label at left of the field. Actually we could generalising everywhere we have a lookup for something. It's easy to click on the Party tab and then on create new. But a link is even an easier way to teach newbies how to do it. Easy for us to introduce, and easy for newbies to use, maybe with a tooltip "click on party to create".
    • Of course being able to show the screen where the choice of the type of party to create is done, and then the screen where data are entered in a CSS hidden/shown window like the calendar would be great and could be our next target. This would allow to not leave the page the user is on and would create a less disturbing environment. But this would also mean to preload these windows in memory and is maybe out of reach at the moment (from a memory POV, without speaking of the code needed). Else we could do the same thing for all the lookups, having them poping up as fast as the calendar. From a code POV, perhaps generalising from the calendar code could be a way (this last suggestion is more a dream for the future - sometimes not so far - than anything else (smile))
  • Applications Tabs
    • Sorting
      • The tabs should be sortable not only by alphabetical order in English but in other languages too.
      • An user should to be able to position the tabs according to their preference
    • Drop-down menus
      • We should introduce drop-down menus to group applications (like AR and AP under Accounting). Doint that, we should keep in mind permissions acces for each tab.
      • Replace the secondary menu (at bottom) with a primary menu top drop-down item.
      • Having something to select the apps desired for a "quick links" bar, and maybe have that go beyond just tabbed applications and include individual pages for easy access.