Versions Compared


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All bugs listed in the following table were selected by respondents of the Apache NetBeans IDE 910.0 Community Acceptance survey as potential release blockers. NetCAT 10.0 team evaluated all of the nominated blocker candidates prior to releasing GA to be sure that no critical issue got overlooked. We thank everybody who participated in the survey!

Issue #DescriptionPriorityAreaEvaluation
#953Profile jdk10 remote platform NullPointerExceptionCRITICALProfilerProfiling works fine with JDK 9. JDK 10 support will be available in Apache NetBeans IDE 9.1 thanks to Dell Green.#1046Ctrl+click not working in xhtml pagesMINORHTML Editor NavigationCannot reproduce broken navigation in sample XHTML page. JSF support is not part of 9.0 release. Not a blocker.#263"Implementation" Icon not shown for InterfacesMAJORJava Editor AnnotationSeems to be an isolated problem of one user with small influence on productivity hence not a true release blocker.
#1601Implementation selector doesn't close after selecting an implementationMINORJava Editor HintsNot easily reproducible enhancement i.e. not a true release blocker.
#168Background scanning process needs a rethinkCRITICALJava Classpath ScanningLong lasting performance problem which is difficult to fix and as such should not block the release.
#1217Exception$FunctionDescriptorLookupErrorCRITICALJava Editor ParsingReproducible serious problem. Accepted as a true release blocker. Will be fixed before GA release.
#1561Reproducible NullPointerException at Refactor-Move in Java Modular Project breaks refactoringMAJORJava RefactoringReproducible issue with easy to use workaround
#486org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.ParseException when invoking code-completeMAJORJava Code CompletionHarmless exception which does not break functionality of code completion
. Not a true release blocker.