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Comment: Fi

Though the Entity Sync mechanism can be used without the POS, it was mostly destined to it. It works well on a reliable network, it's harder on Internet...

titlePOS is now in Attic


serverASF JIRA
the POS has been pushed in  OFBiz Attic.

The last released version with the POS available was R12.04.06. It's though still available in the R14.12 and 15.12 non released branches. It'll not be availble with the R16 release. All the documentation below is reliable and usable before revision 1754402

Table of Contents

Sync Setup Notes and Example


  1. Setup POS terminal with clean checkout from trunk
  2. In set RMIIF to localhost (uncomment the line.)
  3. Create empty ofbiz database and populate with seed data (ant run-install-seed).
    Note that for testing/learning you can load demo data as well.
    For a production environment you will need to only load seed, then do all of your organization specific setup such as accounting, facilities, stores, etc.
  4. framework/service/config/serviceengine.xml - enity-sync-rmi set to MCS.
  5. Start POS instance(s) (the OFBiz instance(s) which runs the POS, aka POS terminal(s)) in standard mode (web interface)
  6. Load EntitySync record for PULL on MCS instance (the OFBiz instance which runs the MCS)
  7. Load XML data you want to setup on POS instance to trigger PULL sync
  8. Load EntitySync PUSH on POS instance(s).
  9. When pull is finished, load XML data you want to setup to trigger PUSH
  10. Shutdown POS instance(s)
  11. pos-containers.xml on POS instance(s) - set xui session id = <facilityId-pos terminal number> ex. 10020-1.
  12. pos-containers.xml on POS instance(s) - set faclility ID = <facilityId) ex. 10020.
  13. Don't forget to change entityengine.xml on all POS instance(s) to include a prefix for record id's.
    Otherwise you will get record id conflicts when instance(s) push records to the MCS.
    This is done by adding the "sequenced-id-prefix" attribute to the default delegator. For example:

    Code Block
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" 
       distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false"  sequenced-id-prefix="10020-1">
            <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
            <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.olap" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
  14. Add PosTerminal record to MCS database.
    You must create a PosTerminal record for each POS instance you need to synchronize with MCS.
    Once this record is added you can start your POS instance and attempt a synchronization.
  15. Start your POS instance in rich client mode. (add -pos after ofbiz.jar in startup file.)


The facilityId is generated automatically when facilities are created.
The terminal number must be unique so for our implementation we used <facilityId-1,2,n> as a convention for identifying terminals.
This is not required. Use whatever convention suits your purpose.
We also used this number as the prefix in entityengine.xml but it makes record id's rather long.

Code Block


<!-- MCS->POS Per Store Server to POS Terminal
     This data is loaded on the Master Central Server -->
    <EntityGroup entityGroupId="5501" entityGroupName="POS: Per Store Server to POS Terminal"/>
    <!-- these are used to update sync settings on the POS terminals from the central server -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- this is the general product information needed for pricing, promotions, basic product info, etc -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.product.product" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>

    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.product.price" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- org.ofbiz.product.category is needed for certain promotions, probably won't be used much for category browsing in the POS -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.product.category" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- may be needed for certain promotions -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.pos.PosTerminal" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5501" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.product.inventory" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>

<!-- POS->MCS Per Store Server to Central Server -->
    <EntityGroup entityGroupId="5506" entityGroupName="POS: Per Store Server to Central Server"/>
    <!-- may be needed for order related information, like party roles or contact info etc -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- all order and related information, including payment, etc info -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.order" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.accounting.invoice" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.accounting.payment" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- include inventory and issuance info -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.shipment.issuance" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.product.inventory" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.pos.PosTerminalLog" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.pos.PosTerminalState" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>
    <!-- include POS transactions -->
    <EntityGroupEntry entityGroupId="5506" entityOrPackage="org.ofbiz.pos.PosTerminalInternTx" applEnumId="ESIA_INCLUDE"/>

<!-- Some examples of EntitySync settings for pulling and pushing data around -->
    <!-- POS example meant to be used for pushing data from POS to MCS -->
    <EntitySync entitySyncId="POSPUSH" runStatusId="ESR_NOT_STARTED" syncSplitMillis="600000" targetServiceName="remoteStoreEntitySyncDataRmi"
            keepRemoveInfoHours="24" forPushOnly="Y"/>
    <EntitySyncIncludeGroup entitySyncId="POSPUSH" entityGroupId="5506"/>

       <!-- POS example meant to be used for pulling data from MCS to POS -->
    <!-- NOTE: for pulling setup the EntitySync record lives on the server the data is pulled from and should ONLY BE USED FOR ONE CLIENT! -->
    <EntitySync entitySyncId="<POS Terminal ID>" runStatusId="ESR_NOT_STARTED" syncSplitMillis="600000"
            keepRemoveInfoHours="24" forPullOnly="Y"/>
    <EntitySyncIncludeGroup entitySyncId="<POS Terminal ID>" entityGroupId="5501"/>

    <!-- POS Push Scheduled Service -->
    <RecurrenceRule recurrenceRuleId="POSPUSH" untilDateTime="" frequency="MINUTELY" intervalNumber="5" countNumber="-1"/>
    <RecurrenceInfo recurrenceInfoId="POSPUSH" startDateTime="2000-01-01 00:00:00.000" recurrenceRuleId="POSPUSH" recurrenceCount="0"/>
    <RuntimeData runtimeDataId="POSPUSH">
        <runtimeInfo><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <std-String value="entitySyncId"/>
                <std-String value="POSPUSH"/>
    <JobSandbox jobId="POSPUSH" jobName="Push POS Data" runtimeDataId="POSPUSH" runTime="2000-01-01 00:00:00.000" 
        serviceName="runEntitySync" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" recurrenceInfoId="POSPUSH"/>

    <!-- POSPULL Scheduled Service -->
    <RecurrenceRule recurrenceRuleId="POSPULL" untilDateTime="" frequency="HOURLY" intervalNumber="2" countNumber="-1"/>
    <RecurrenceInfo recurrenceInfoId="POSPULL" startDateTime="2000-01-01 00:15:00.000" recurrenceRuleId="POSPULL" recurrenceCount="0"/>
    <RuntimeData runtimeDataId="POSPULL">
        <runtimeInfo><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <std-String value="entitySyncId"/>
                <std-String value="<POS Terminal ID>"/>
                <std-String value="remotePullAndReportEntitySyncDataName"/>
                <std-String value="remotePullAndReportEntitySyncDataRmi"/>
    <JobSandbox jobId="POSPULL" jobName="Pull Data from MCS" runtimeDataId="POSPULL" runTime="2000-01-01 00:00:00.000" 
        serviceName="runPullEntitySync" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" recurrenceInfoId="POSPULL"/>



  1. Initiate your PULL with a recurrence of about 5 minutes (do not setup any PUSH processes yet).
  2. Locate a record known to not PULL correctly and verify that it did not pull this time.
  3. Update the timestamp on the MCS for that record. Have the xml ready to load thru web tools before starting the PULL process. The key here is to just make sure the date and time is set to something later than when the job ran.
  4. Let the PULL run again and check the record on the POS client to see if it updated properly this time.

Finally since you went so far, you might be interested by this article There is No Now - Problems with simultaneity in distributed systems