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Please check out the meeting minutes.


September 26th, 2024, Thursday 

Time: 10:00 PM (UTC+8 Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Nadia Jiang: Gang Li

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,  Ted Liu, Dianjin Wang,Sheng Mu,Sheng Mu

Next Meeting Host : Dianjin Wang




  • Summary of the CoC Asia 2024


    1. Volunteer works
    2. Video startup clip Willem Ning Jiang 向Xu Yin确认下进度
    3. Upload recordings
  • COSCon 2024 information: 

    COSCon'24 第九届中国开源年会议题征集正式启动

August 29th, 2024,

 2. Sponsorship Update

 3. TAC updates:  nine appliers 



Time: 10:00 PM (UTC+8 Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Chen Xia 

Next Meeting Host :Nadia Jiang

: Tian Xia

Attendees: Attendees:  Willem Jiang,   Jun Ted Liu, Robin, Yu Li, Yu Xiao, XinYu Zhou, Peance Wong.  ChengZi Li, ZhiJin Lu,LiDong Dai, Fengen He, ZongTang Hu,Chen Xia, Xing Wang, Wei Guo, Shen Wu, Ted Liu,  Trista Pan,  Weiming Xue, Qiang Yin, Nadia, ZhongMing Hua,ChuQin Qin, CalvinKirs,  


  1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024   

  • 时间 4月20号截止,尽早提前 能充分的review筛选  5月1日确定    Deadline: April 20th. Please review and screen as early as possible. Final selection will be made on May 1st. 
  • track chair 宣传,主动寻找speaker,可以面向社区邀请 Track chairs are responsible for promotion and actively seeking speakers. They can invite individuals from the community.
  • 后续会同步筛选标准  Further details regarding the selection criteria will be communicated in the team meeting.

  2.  Speaker Language of the CoC Asia 2024

  • 也有不少海外同学比较关注语言  There are also many international speaker who are interested about the language, we support English and Chinese.
  • 推荐使用英语作为书面文本语言  It is recommended to use English as the written language for communication (Slides, Website).

  3.  Track promotion and speaker invitation 

4月21日之前  Before April 21st.

  • CFP 和早鸟票的宣传  可以尽早购票 确认文化衫的尺寸 Please promote the Call for Papers (CFP) and Early Bird tickets. Encourage attendees to purchase tickets early and provide their t-shirt size. 
  • 讲师填写相关信息  以及会议团队的介绍 Speakers should fill out the necessary information, and the conference team should provide an introduction.
  • keynote的策划会比之前提前 确认主论坛 参与演讲的嘉宾 The planning for the keynote session should be done earlier than before. Confirm the main forum and the guest speakers participating in the presentations.

5.1 号后 

  • 进行议程的内容上线   Go ahead and publish the agenda content
  • 特色活动的设计  官网上是否会展示提及到  Design special activities and consider showcasing them on the official website. 
  • 第三方的赞助  可以提供一些定制化的设计 Explore the possibility of featuring third-party sponsors and providing customized designs.

  4.  TAC of CoC Asia 2024 is open 

  • 已上线  TAC的截止时间是5月8号  The deadline for TAC is May 8th.
  • 签证的问题 Regarding visa issues,we have a website page for it.
  • 大约能支助  10-20位  we can provide support for approximately 10-20 individuals
  • 志愿者工作,感兴趣的可以联系姜老师  For volunteer work, please contact Willem Jiang if you are interested.
  • 差旅补助的说明  公司无法支持前提下  Please provide an explanation for travel subsidies, considering the situation where the company is unable to provide support.
  • TAC roles website:

5.  同场活动的可能. Collocated Event

  • 暂不确定是否会有空余的会议室 currently unsure if there will be any available meeting rooms.
  • 官方是否接受不在同一个场地举办会议 Also, I don't know if the ASF accept holding meetings at different venues

Jan 25th,2024, Thursday 

Gang Li, William Guo, Trista Pan, Zhongyi Tan, Yin Xu, Tian Xia, Jin Zhang, Youliang Huang, Xinrui Peng, Yu Xiao, Kent Yao

Next Meeting Host: Gang Li


  1. Summary of the CoC Asia 2024
    1. Volunteer works
    2. Video startup clip
    3. Upload recordings
  2. Flash speaking
    1. 5min limit without presentation
    2. 1 time each meeting
    3. Questions welcomed
  3. Unite ALCs
    1. More local activities
    2. A great chance to provide exposure chances for project meetups
    3. An entrance of open source project activities
    4. Sync important infos to ALC Hangzhou/Shanghai/Shenzhen
  4. Some suggestions for CoCA in my blog
    1. Speaker information in the schedule is not prominent
    2. By the time the speakers and participants come out after the session, there is almost no tea break left.
    3. Article promotion

August 15th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host: Nadia Jiang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Nadia Jiang,  Ted Liu, Gang Li, William Guo, Trista Pan,Yin Xu, Tian Xia,  Lidong Dai, Xia Tian, JinZhang,  Youliang Huang,  XiangDong Huang, Tison

Next Meeting Host: Tian Xia


  1. Summary of the CoC Asia 2024
  2. New member introduction Tian Xia

July 11th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host: Gang Li

Attendees:  Willem Jiang, Junping Du, Lidong Dai, Ted Liu, Gang Li, William Guo, Trista Pan, Bo Jiang, Huxing zhang,Yin Xu,Fury,Zhongyi Tan,Qing Shan,Xia Tian,Heqing Jiang,Vivian

Next Meeting Host: 


  1. Status of CoC Asia 2024 CFP
    1. Keynote arragement
    2. Session arrangement 
  2. Conference promotion Plan
  3. Conference Souvernir
    1. T shirtImage Added
    2. Bag  Image Added
  4. Keynotes schedule: The round table still needs a lecturer to submit his information
  5. TAC support status 

    50% visa completed

  6. Track Chair work: create we chat group for speaker per track


Export instructor contact information on July 12 @Vivian
Conference countdown poster promotion @Vivian
Offline training for volunteers was held on July 25
Tips for international credit card use by overseas lecturers
5.Keynotes 议程文章宣传
Keynotes agenda article promotion
6.Track chair建各自track的群催收讲师ppt
Track Chair need to create we chat group for speaker per track @Track Chairs

7.track chair 打call视频,需要@波波出一个打call模版

Track chairs call video for the CoC Asia 2024,Need Bo Jiang to make a template.@Bo Jiang

June 27th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting: Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Qiang Yin 

Next Meeting Host : 夏晨



Host: Dianjin Wang

Attendees: Dianjin Wang, Willem Jiang, Lidong Dai, Junping Du, Gang Li, Xiangdong Huang, Bo Jiang, Jun Liu, Jialin Qiao, Xin Wang, Duo Zhang, Yin Xu, Vivian, Sheng Wu, Wei Guo, Heqing Jiang.

Next Meeting Host: Gang Li


  1. Status of CoC Asia 2024 CFP
    1. Keynote arragement
    2. Session arrangement 
  2. Conference promotion Plan
  3. Conference Souvenir
    1.  T shirt  Desigin
    2. TODO canvas bagImage AddedImage Added
  4. Sponsorship Update: 49W CNY, with 6 sponsors
  5. Keynote speaker - Get support from ASF with 6K USD for two person
  6. TAC support status :Send out  8 Visa Letters for People who are accepted by TAC


- T-shirt: redesign with the ideas input, like ASF 25th.
- Sponsorship: need to explore more opportunities from possible teams and companies. 
- Speaker communications to help promote the conference 
- Registration: 100~ for now, need to spread more. 

June 13th,2024,



  1. Apache Success in China 2023, Call for content from the community

        深圳和西安ALC一起汇总相关的活动和照片 Willem Ning Jiang 

  1. Track chairs of CoC Asia 2024 

       有意向成为Track Chair的社区伙伴可与姜宁老师联系;肖宇老师报名成为Track chair;成为Track chair才能订阅

  1. CoC Asia 2024 preparation time line
    1. CFP will start at the end of this month
    2. Sponsorship of CoC Asia 2024 

4. 请问今年 TAC 有补助吗?基金会对 CoC Asia 会有费用支持吗?暂时还没有敲定,待咨询。

5. 下次双周例会的时间:2024-2-22。

6. 杭州ALC已经开始投票,大家可参与投票。



Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Peace Wong

Next Meeting Host :Qiang Yin 


Host: Zhongming Hua

Attendees:  Attendees: Willem Jiang, Zhongyi Tan, LanX, Bo Jiang, Lidong Dai,  Wei GuoNadia Jian, Huxing Zhang, Zhongming Hua, David Dai, Dianjin Wang, Ted Liu, Fengli Nie, Trista Pan,  Weiming Xue, Peance Wong.


  1. CoC Asia 2024 preparation time line
    1. Website of CoC Asia 2024:The first draft has been completed and is expected to be published online this week.
    2. Sponorship of  CoC Asia 2024: CoC Asia periphery can be added.
    3. CFP system
    4. Other preparations of the CoC Asia 2024
  2. Call for track chair 

            The track chair needs to complete the list confirmation this month.

  1. CoC EU 2024 CFP dead line 12th Jan
    Please confirm if there is any change for those been nominated.


Chong Wu, Zhongyi Tan, viavian, Xia Tian ,Gang Li

Next Meeting Host: Dianjin Wang


  1. CoC EU + board f2f meeting 
  2. Status of CoC Asia 2024 CFP
  3. Session arrangement - 
  4. Conference promotion
  5. Conference free ticket doesn't include lunch 
  6. PPT template , speaker guide 
  7. Sponsorship Update: 49W CNY, with 6 sponsors
  8. Keynote speaker - Get support from ASF 6K USD
  9. TAC support


    Track Chair: 

     * Session schedule confirmation by 16th June. 

     * Session translation confirmation next week.


     * Setup the code for Committer register

May 23th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Shuai Di


Host: Willem JiangNext Meeting Host :Peace Wong

Attendees:  Dianjin Wang, Duo Zhang, Gang Li, Heping Wang, LanX, Li Yu,  Willem Jiang, Nadia Jiang, Qiang Yin, Rong Wang, Sheng Wu, Shuai Di, Ted Liu, Weiming Xue, Wei Guo, Willem Jiang, Xin Wang, Yu Xiao, Zirui Peng, Trista Pan, Zhongyi Tan.


  1. 1.7 ALC Beijing 4th Anual party
    Participants please fill in information in the "Participant Information" position in the above Tencent document. We Can offer a Tencent conference link for cloud participation.
  2. CoC Asia 2024 preparation time line
  3. Call for track chair
    Please confirm if there is any change for those been nominated.

Dec 14th,2023, Thursday 

David Dai, Junping Du, William Guo, Trista Pan,  Jun Liu,  Heqing Jiang , Yu Xiao, robin,  Huxing Zhang, Ian Xu, Henry Hu, Shuailin Li, Dianjin Wang, Zhongming Hua

Next Meeting Host:Zhongming Hua


  1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024
  2.  Community support of CoC Asia 2024
  3.  Session arrangement - next week for confirmation
  4.  Session discription translation - Xuyin July - 议程信息翻译成中文 - 
  5.  Conference promotion == 会议的排期, TODO 周边发布的内容, 周边 常规 ==
  6.  PPT template , speaker guide , this week finished, Suggest english 建议讲师优先使用英文
  7.  Sponsorship Update: 
  8.  Ant group 5.28 :  ALC Hangzhou ,  Rust meetup, Ant Design
  9.  Fundraising team , Jun 21st 12:00 AM sponor zoom meeting . 
  10.  Keynote speaker - find the supports for traveling

May 9th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host:  Yu Xiao

Next Meeting Host :Shuai Di



Host: Ted Liu

Attendees:  Willem Jiang, Jerry Tan, Nadia Jiang,


Bright Li, David Dai, Junping Du, William Guo, Gang Li,


Trista Pan, Sheng Wu,


Calvin, Xin Wang,


Huxing Zhang, tison Chen, Ian Xu, Henry Hu, Calvin, Chao Guo, Jia Zhai, Qingshan Lin, Zhongming Hua

Next Meeting Host:Xin Wang

Agenda:(Please fill in your proposed agenda here.)

  1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024: 216 submissions, 145-146 accepted


Track Chair

All Sessions

Accepted Sessions


Tan Zhongyi
Du junping
Chenhan Wang



Cloud Native

Jia Feng




Ted Liu



Data Lake & Data Warehouse

Lidong Dai,
Shaofeng Shi



Data Storage & Computing

Gang Li
Uma Maheswara Rao Gangumalla




William Guo,
Lifeng Nie




Calvin Kirs,
Trista Pan
Justin Mclean




Christofer Dutz




Qingshan Lin
Zongtang Hu



Monolith vs Microservice

Jun Liu



OLAP & Data Analysis

Mingyu Chen morningman@apache.rog,
Dianjin Wang




Willem Jiang




Yu Xiao




Yu Li,
Xin Wang



Web Server/Tomcat







Willem & Nadia

Track Chair


Please promptly follow up with Nadia to confirm the final session selections.


Inform the speakers via Sessionize
Well done! Your session XXX has been accepted for CommunityOverCode Asia 2024!
Please click on the link below before May17 to acknowledge that you have received this message and you'll be joining us in-person!
Button - Confirm Participation
If you cannot attend, or have any questions, please reply to this message.
And please review your visa status ASAP. If you need a visa to visit China, please make sure you request it with enough time. If you need an invitation letter, please refer to the instructions on this page. Also, make sure that you have a visa for countries where your flight is stopping.
We will soon send you a speaker's guide for registering to attend the event and prepare your talk.


  • Create PPT templates and clarify the method for collecting PPTs

  • Write a speaker guide

Set the schedule based on getting confirmation from speakers


Send the speaker's guide to speakers via email, including the schedule, check lsit, PPT template, QRcode for speakers' WeChat group, etc. (cc track chair)

Create the WeChat group for the track (which can directly add the small track group previously created by Nadia)


Collect PPTs through email and track the collection progress

Assist with collecting PPTs

  1. Sponsorship Update: 
  2. Confirmed - 450,000 CNY, with 6 sponsors
    We are still waiting for confirmation from other 5 sponsors.


April 25th,2024, Thursday 



  1.  CoC Asia 2024 time: 7.26-28  HangZhou
  2.  CoC EU 2024 CFP
  3.  ALC Hangzhou  

Nov 30th,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host:Nadia Jiang 

Next Meeting Host :肖宇

Attendees: Trista Pan, Dianjin Wang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Gang Li, Min Ji, Nadia Jiang, Guo Wei, XiangDong Huang


  1. CoC Asia 2024 venue: 浙大森林 (ZITOWN) -recommend
    1. the price listed as follow. The total expenses should be within 150,000, including dining, etc. (The cost for 2023 was 400,000).
      1. Image Removed
    2. Most weekends from June to August are available at the moment. We need to make a decision first before confirming with the venue.
      1. late July / early August Fri-Sun : July 26,27,28 & Aug 2,3,4
    3. to dos: Nadia Jiang make a reservation for the space, Willem Ning Jiang communicate with the ASF
  2. IoTDB summit - Dec 3 (12.3) 望京丽都皇冠假日酒店
    1. 欢迎大家帮忙宣传
    2. 如果客户群体有重合,欢迎大家&商务同学来,客户:能源、电力、钢铁、航空、车联网
    3. 邀请了美国国家工程院院士、Julian 会来线下参会,Christofer 线上分享
    4. 中国通信学会开源技术委员会,明年计划组织一些活动,感兴趣的朋友可以联系向东老师加入
  3. Open Source Congress 2024
  4. Jan. 7, 2024, venue: checked with Xiangdong Huang 

Nov 16th,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Ted
Next Meeting Host::Nadia Jiang 

Attendees: Trista Pan, tison, Dianjin Wang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted LIu, Gang Li, Min Ji, Nadia Jiang, Lidong Dai, Jerry Tan


1. To-Do from the last meeting

  • a. It is necessary to establish a Steering Committee for CoC Asia 2024 to prepare for the conference and fundraising matters.
    • CoC EU'24 June 3-5,
    • CoC NA'24 in September (TBD),
    • The CoC Asia'24 event is expected to take place towards the end of July or early August.
      • CoC Asia 2024 venue: to be determined by the end of November Nadia Jiang 
  • b. ALC Beijing 2023 annual meeting date/venue?
2.  ASF Security VP asks the attention of the Project Security Willem Ning Jiang 
     Security Process for Committers to be translated, Willem Ning Jiang will post an issue.)
3. 【Initiative - ASF Project Incubation 101】
      【多助者得道:ASF 项目孵化 101 倡议】
10/6 ALC Beijing WeChat article
【ASF 新孵化项目提案指导


【Apache 孵化器领路人与导师的职责】
11/11 ALC Beijing Blog
【开源项目进入 ASF 孵化器需要做的准备】
11/14~15 在 ALC Beijing Blog & WeChat article
【Apache 项目成熟度模型】


  1. CoC Asia 2024 venue: to be determined by the end of November Nadia Jiang 
  2. ALC Beijing 2023 annual meeting date/venue?
  3. Willem Ning Jiang helps review and integrate the content of倡议 - ASF 项目孵化 101】FAQ part.


。Sheng Wu will not be able to attend the upcoming two meetings as he will be traveling abroad.

Nov 2nd,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Gang Li
Next Meeting Host:  Ted

Attendees:Jerry Tan, Willem Jiang , Ted Liu,  Li Gang,  Dai Lidong, Jiang Bo,Guo Wei,Huang XiangDong,Li Yu,Wang Xin, XuYin,Ji ming 


  1. CoC Asia 2024 sponsorship  需要提前成立会议筹备组,提前准备赞助事宜。
  2. CoC Asia event time 暂定在2024年七、八月份在杭州召开,@波波沟通杭州场地
  3. Prepare Annual meeting of ALC Beijing  ALC Beijing年底聚会是在2023年12月初,Apache IoTDB大会在12月3日召开,可以考虑是否与IoTDB大会同一天
  4. Collaboration of the project across the company
  5. ALC Hangzhou
  6. ASF Leadership Summit in China @Ted  Apache软件基金会董事也延伸到与赞助商企业高层,向他们讲述一些成功案例、价值主张,更好的在企业层面给以项目资源,给以Apache软件基金会更多赞助



     2. @波波沟通CoC Asia 2024杭州场地

     3.  尽早确定CoC Asia 2024大会时间

     4.  确定ALC Beijing2023年底聚会时间具体在12月初具体某一

Oct 19,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: GuoWei
Next Meeting Host:  

Attendees:GuoWei,Jiangning,Ted Liu,Zhongyi Tan,IanX ,Lidong Dai,Sheng Wu,Li Gang,Li Yu,Lifeng Nie,Yu Xiao,Mingyu Chen,


  1. COSCon 2023 attendance information
  2. CoC Asia 2024 sponsorship:
  3. 技术播客节 嘉宾征集
  4. GDC 全球开发者大会
  5. Apache Leadership Summit (for sponsors)

      6. 2024 BoD election

Sep 21, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Willem Jiang (Jiang Ning)
Next Meeting Host:  GuoWei

Attendees:Jerry Tan, Jiang Ning, Ben,  Li Gang,  Xiaoyu, Wang Dianjin, Wu Sheng,  Dai Lidong, Jiang Bo,Guo Wei,Huang XiangDong, Gao Jun


  1. Discuss the common checks of the project, which will go through the incubating process
    1. Go through the FAQ of incubating

Sep 7, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Willem Jiang (Jiang Ning)
Next Meeting Host:  

Attendees:Jerry Tan, Jiang Ning, Ben, Vivian, Ianx, WangXin, Li Gang, kezhenxu, Xiaoyu, Wang Dianjin, Wu Sheng, Ted Liu, Nie Lifeng, Dai Lidong,Zhang Duo, Jiang Bo,Guo Wei, Yu Li, Rick,Calvin Kirs


  1. CoC Asia Conference summery
  2. Conference suvery report
  3. Discussion about the common checks of the project which is planing to go through the incubating process
    1. Apache Incubating Cook book
      1. Chinese translation
      2. Chinese graducation guide
    2. Project Proposal template current status of the project  New Podling Proposal#status  –  This should be an honest assessment balancing these against Apache's principles and development ideals.

Action Items:

  1. Office hour to answer the questions about incubating in the wechat group,Call for help Willem Ning Jiang 
  2. translation of Project Proposal template Ted Liu 
  3. CommunityOverCode Asia 2024 sponsorship Willem Ning Jiang & ALL

Aug 11, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Willem Jiang (Jiang Ning)
Next Meeting Host:  


Jerry Tan, Jiang Ning, Vivian, Li Gang, IanX, Xiaoyu, Wang Dianjin, Wu Sheng, Ted Liu, Nie Lifeng,  Zhang Huxing, Dai Lidong,Wenming, Jiang Bo, Guo Wei, Yu Li, Chen Mingyu,Calvin Kirs


  1. Conference status update
    1. Lightning talk registration, meetup on the afternoon of August 18th, sponsorship status, reporting status, and lecturer dinner on the 18th.
    2. TAC just give us the application list, it‘s too late to apply the VISAs.
  2. Track Chair work update 
    1. We need the track chair to confirm the speakers' presentation materials and itinerary to ensure their attendance.


  1. We need the track chair to confirm the speakers' presentation materials and itinerary to ensure their attendance.
  2. We need Vivian's assistance in confirming the track chair's itinerary.
  3. Emergency contacts during the conference and related conference information.
  4. We need everyone's help in promoting the conference, aiming for 200 registrations.
  5. The track chair should mainly prepare the host's script and maintain timely communication with the event management team.

Aug 3, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Jerry Tan
Next Meeting Host:  Willem Jiang


Jerry Tan, Willem Jiang, Vivian, Li Gang, IanX, Xiaoyu, Wang Dianjin, Wu Sheng, Ted Liu, Nie Lifeng, Pan Juan,  Zhang Huxing, Dai Lidong


  1. Track Chair works status update  
  2. Conference schedule update
  3. Community Leadership training


  1. TAC Willem Ning Jiang 
  2. Track Chairs follow speakers to submit their slides by the end of this week and check these slides next week
  3. Track Chairs notify the speaker to participate in the Summit and the speaker's dinner on Aug 18th.
  4. Track Chairs please record a short video to promote the Summit

July 27,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Xiaoyu
Next Meeting Host:  



  1. Track Chair works  
  2. Conference schedule update
  3. Community Leadership training


@track chair

July 13,2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: XinWang
Next Meeting Host:  

Attendees:Ted, Wang Dianjin,  Jiang Ning, Tan Zhongyi, Calvin, Pan Juan, bobo, Xiao Yu, Zeng Hui, Li Gang, Chen Mingyu,Vivian, Wang Xin, Rick

  1. Track Chair works  
  2. Conference schedule 
  3. Community Leadership training


@Track Chair: 
2.请尽快完成演讲日程安排. 需要和讲师保持沟通, 可通过百格活动管理后台提醒大家上传PPT

June 29, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: XinWang
Next Meeting Host:  Yu Li

Attendees: Ted, Tison, Yu Li, Wang Dianjin,  XiangDong Huang, JiaLing Qiao, Jiang Ning, Tan Zhongyi, Calvin, Pan Juan, bobo,  Wang Xin

  1. Talk About CFP submit (Add to FAQ)
  2. ALC xian Meetup (2023-07-09)
  3. Update QA questions from listeners and speakers 
  4. Team meeting record


* 确认下阿里云的白金赞助意向 @liyu
* 早鸟票宣传转发 @Track Chair
* Track Chair写一篇Track的简要介绍 @Track Chair
* 伴手礼投票 @Track Chair
* 模板使用羽毛logo更新 @Jiang Ning
* 推荐keynote Speaker @Track Chair
* 开源社区与DataOps会场沟通 @ted
* Community Leadership受众 @Jiang Ning
* Track Chair与Speaker保持联络,确保PPT按时提交 @Track Chair

June 19, 2023, Monday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host:  Willem Jiang 
Next Meeting Host:  

Attendees: Ted, Guo Wei, Wang Dianjin, Sheng Wu, Lidong Dai, XiangDong Huang, JiaLing Qiao, Willem Jiang,Tan Zhongyi, Calvin, Pan Juan, bobo, Xiao Yu, Wang Xin

  1. Discuss about the CFP accept policies
  2. Ask Track Chair About CFP submit 
  3. Show how to use the Bagevent system
  4. Update QA questions from listeners and speakers
  5. Team meeting record 


  1. Review the CFPs
  2. Communicate with the speakers


Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Yu Xiao
Next Meeting Host:  Yu Li

Attendees: Ted, Guo Wei, Wang Dianjin, Sheng Wu, Lidong Dai, XiangDong Huang, JiaLing Qiao, Jiang Ning, Tan Zhongyi, Calvin, Pan Juan, bobo, Xiao Yu, Wang Xin

  1. Online conference plan for overseas speakers (Submit a video)
  2. About CFP submit (Add to FAQ)
  3. ALC xian Meetup (2023-07-09)
  4. Update QA questions from listeners and speakers 


  1. Invitation to Keynote Speakers
  2. Add PPT template for CFP (bobo)
  3. Community Leadership (


Host: Junping Du

Attendees:   Nadia Jiang, Jerry Tan,Lifeng Nie, Zhongming Hua, Henry, Trista Pan, Zhengyu Chen, Lidong Dai, Lu Dashing, Sheng Wu, Ken, Zhijing Lu, Calvin, Shaofeng Shi, Tison, Ted Liu,  Gang Li, Yu Xiao, Junping Du, Willem Jiang

Next Meeting Host :Ted Liu

1. CFP of CoC Asia 2024: 216 submissions
2.  Sponsorship Update
3. Track Chair


April 18st,2024, Thursday 


Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Wang xin3WK3qE7rxijt

Host: Nadia Jiang

Next Meeting Host :  Yu Li

Attendees:ted, Guo Wei, Wang Dianjin, Jiang Ning, Tan Zhongyi, Calvin, Pan Juan, vivian, bobo, Xiao Yu, Qin Chuqing, Li Gang, Zeng Hui, Nie Lifeng, Wang Xin

  1. Conference Sponsorship update, postpone  the CFP time 
  2. Conference Website and Promotion Plan
  3. WorkShop research plan and earlier bird register

1. Online conference plan for overseas speakers @Jiang Ning
2. Linkage between Community Leadership and Community Track @Jiang Ning @ted @tison
3. Collection of QA questions from listeners and speakers @all @Wang Xin

May 11, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Wang xin
Next Meeting Host:  Wang xin

Attendees: Jiang Ning, lanX, Rick, Dai Lidong, Guo Wei, Li Gang, Yu Li, Ted, Wang Dianjin, Wang Jiashu, Wu Sheng, Xiao Yu, Wang Xin

  1. OSPP2023 (Open Source Promotion Plan) meetup in BUPT
  2. Conference Sponsorship update
  3. Conference Website and Promotion Plan
  4. WorkShop research plan 

1. Conference Website Updates @Jiang Ning
2. WorkShop research plan @bobo @Jiang Ning

April 27, 2023, Thursday

:Junping Du (Apr.25)

Attendees: Nadia Jiang, Lifeng Nie, Xiatian, Zhongming Hua, Henry, Jia, Huxing Zhang, Trista Pan, Zhengyu Chen, Lidong Dai, yy, Sheng Wu, Ken, Zhijing Lu, Calvin, Shaofeng Shi, IanX, Johnnwang, Ted Liu, Wei Guo, Gang Li, Yu Xiao, Junping Du, Willem Jiang

1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024
Web Server/Tomcat 2
Incubator 4
Monolith vs Microservice 4
Performance 5
Others 5
DataOps 6
Streaming 7
AI 9 
Cloud Native 14
Data Lake & Data Warehouse 13
OLAP & Data Analysis 17
Data Storage & Computing 21
Community 11
Messaging 17

- 137 sessions submitted, CFP will be closed on 21 April, this weekend. Please be aware of the current number of valid submissions (related to Apache projects and communities), and promptly do targeted outreach/invitations
- Keynote and lightning talk are being planned, to be completed within next week. @nadiajiang @willemjiang
- nadiajiang will change the due date in Sessionize, extending it by a few hours to avoid last-minute submitters encountering failing in submission

  2.  Sponsorship Update
- No new sponsorship was added.
- Ted is communicating with the fundraising committee, Board Directors should come to China to meet and communicate with sponsor enterprises

  3.  TAC updates 
- Provided Visa Letter for Chirs 

  4.  Guide for Evaluator
- doc:
- Explain video  Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Zhongyi Tan
Next Meeting Host:  Wang xin

Attendees:Willem Ning Jiang, Tan zhongyi,bobo,dai lidong,ligang,Yu Li,nie lifeng,wang dianjin,wusheng,Ianx, tison,guowei,wangxin,calvinkris


  1. Conference Sponsorship
  2. CFP promotion
  3. Key time Schedule


  1. jiangning finish website for apachecon 2023 Asia
  2. bobo check with 百格 about SEO for Search Engineer
  3. bobo check with 百格 about the early bird ticket
  4. all check sponsorship and CFP

April 13, 2023, Thursday

- If anyone has any issues, please contact nadiajiang


March 21st,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:
Host: Dianjin Wang3WK3qE7rxijt

Host: Jerry Tan

Next Meeting Host

Attendees: Zhongyi Tan
Attendees:Willem Ning Jerry Tan, Willem Jiang, Yikun Nadia Jiang, Wei Guo, Xiangdong Huang, Gang Li, Trista Juan Pan, Zhongyi Tan, Sheng Wu, Huxing Zhang, Yonglun Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Xin Wang, Yu Xiao, Dianjin Wang

1. Highlights on FOSSAsia 2023 by Willem Jiang
   - Speaker social events
    - Keynote / Breakout sessions
    - Website(, eventbrite), Group Photo, Booths Introduction to ALC Xi'an
3. Updates on ApacheCon Asia 2023
- CFP will start soon!
- Todo: 
 Online Form for speaker visa invitation(Bo Jiang)
 Conference Announcement Email(Willem Ning Jiang)
 Project Schedule Doc(Willem Ning Jiang, Dianjin Wang)

Guo Wei, Wu Sheng, Ted Liu, Kent Yao, Tison, Wang Xin, zhang huxing, Wang Xin,zhuge_nuedong, hu zhongtang, li chengzi, IanX, Hua Zhongming, liu jun 


 1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024, 47 sessions submitted

CFP will be closed on 21 April. 

  2.  Sponsorship Update

No new sponsorship was added.

The sponsorship book needs to be updated and delivered to potential Companies, Ted will lead this.

  3.  TAC updates 

   -  Provided Visa Letter for Chirs

  4.  Guide for Evaluator

  Explain video

March 7th,2024, Thursday 


Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host : Mingyu Chen: Nadia Jiang

Next Meeting Host : WangDianjin

Attendess:Mingyu Chen, JiangNing, JiangBo, Ted, ShengWu, ZengHui, DaiLidong, HuangXiangdong, JiangWei, LiGang, LiYu, PanJuan, QiaoJialin, QinChuqing, WangDianjin, ZhangWenli, ZhangYonglun, lanX, WangXin, XiaoYu


  1.  CommunityOverCode
    1. Chinese CFP
    2. English CFP 
    3. CFP Apirl-May
  2.  Conference Sponsorship
  3.  Conference tracks & track chairs 

Mar 16, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time
Join Meeting:

Host: Wei Guo
Next Meeting Host: Mingyu Chen

Attendess:Xiangdong,NieLifeng,Ken,QinChuqing,Ted Liu,Jiangbo, Zhangyonglun, Dailidong, Wu Sheng, Chen Mingyu, Zeng Hui,Yu Li,Li Gang, Wangxin, JiangNing, Juan Pan, William Guo, Guo Qiang, Zhongyi Tan, Jialin Qiao, Xiaoyu, Dianjin Wang


  1.  CommunityOverCode
  2.  Conference Sponsorship
  3.  Conference tracks & track chairs
  4.  OSPP Summit (March 24)and DevTogether (March 25)

: Jerry Tan

Attendees: Willem Jiang,   Chen Xia,Yu Xiao, tison,   ChengZi Li, ZhiJin Lu, ZongTang Hu,  Shen Wu, Ted Liu,  Trista Pan,  XiangDong Huang, Nadia Jiang, MoreMind, ChenSN  


 1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024, 15 presentations

Ted suggests:

  1. Track Chair training should be earlier.
  2. Research whether there are new, more intelligent conference AI translation tools available this year.
  3. When writing the English CFP, it is recommended to use translation tools (the paid version of DeepL yields better results than Google Translate. After translating, Grammarly can be used to correct the grammar). Willem+Nadia: We can write an article to recommend useful translation tools, and it can be forwarded to speakers when Track Chairs invite them.

 2. Sponsorship Update

  • Ant Group
  • XiaoMi
  • Alibaba、SelectDB、StarRocks - in process

 3. TAC updates:  nine appliers

  • 9 appliers, DDL: May10th

4. OSPO Summit 3.28-29 + Dev.Together 3.30

Later, Nadia will post related information in the Wechat group. If anyone is interested, please contact her, and she will provide free tickets.

Feb 22th,2024, Thursday 


Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host: Yu Xiao
Next Meeting Host: Wei Guo

Attendess:Willem Jiang,  Jerry Tan, Yu Li,  Li Gang, Wang Dianjin,Jiang Bo,Wei Guo,Lanx,Zhang chao,Qin chuqing,Zhang yonoglun,

                       Yu Xiao,ShengWu, Xiangdong Huang, Hui Zeng,Rick, Xin Wang, He ping Wang,  Wang shu rui


   1. Recall information about ApacheCon Asia 2022.

   2. Discussion ApacheCon Asia 2023 【腾讯文档】ApacheCon Asia 2023
      a. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of Plan A and Plan B.
      b. About Location-related details (Size, Number).
      c. Expenses (gifts, working meals, meetings, etc).
      d. Conference Tickets Related.
      e. Sponsorship Details.
      f. Sponsor's communication.
      g. Performance track CFP sample.

 3. OSPP Summit in Beijing.   

Feb 16, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time
Join Meeting:

Host: Gang Li
Next Meeting Host: Yu Xiao



      1. IanX share his experience of conference  

      2. Discussion the conference of ApacheCon Asia 2023 



          Track:1+8track  一天1个keynote,8个分论坛

      3. Vote ALC Beijing memeber.


赞助方案:@Willem Jiang 月底出赞助方案

拉赞助:@liyu 询问阿里赞助 Yu Xiao 询问京东云赞助 @wang dianjin 询问StreamNative 赞助 Guo William Lidong Dai 白鲸开源赞助 @chen guangsheng 询问微众银行赞助。

高校办会:@qin chuqing咨询清华是否可以办会,是否可以商业化出售门票

                   Ted Liu 咨询中科院

Feb 2, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time
Join Meeting:



Host :Chen Xia 

Next Meeting Host :Nadia Jiang

Attendees:  Willem Jiang,  Jun Liu, Robin, Yu Li, Yu Xiao, XinYu Zhou, Peance Wong.  ChengZi Li, ZhiJin Lu,LiDong Dai, Fengen He, ZongTang Hu,Chen Xia, Xing Wang, Wei Guo, Shen Wu, Ted Liu,  Trista Pan,  Weiming Xue, Qiang Yin, Nadia, ZhongMing Hua,ChuQin Qin, CalvinKirs,  


  1.  CFP of CoC Asia 2024   

  • 时间 4月20号截止,尽早提前 能充分的review筛选  5月1日确定    Deadline: April 20th. Please review and screen as early as possible. Final selection will be made on May 1st. 
  • track chair 宣传,主动寻找speaker,可以面向社区邀请 Track chairs are responsible for promotion and actively seeking speakers. They can invite individuals from the community.
  • 后续会同步筛选标准  Further details regarding the selection criteria will be communicated in the team meeting.

  2.  Speaker Language of the CoC Asia 2024

  • 也有不少海外同学比较关注语言  There are also many international speaker who are interested about the language, we support English and Chinese.
  • 推荐使用英语作为书面文本语言  It is recommended to use English as the written language for communication (Slides, Website).

  3.  Track promotion and speaker invitation 

4月21日之前  Before April 21st.

  • CFP 和早鸟票的宣传  可以尽早购票 确认文化衫的尺寸 Please promote the Call for Papers (CFP) and Early Bird tickets. Encourage attendees to purchase tickets early and provide their t-shirt size. 
  • 讲师填写相关信息  以及会议团队的介绍 Speakers should fill out the necessary information, and the conference team should provide an introduction.
  • keynote的策划会比之前提前 确认主论坛 参与演讲的嘉宾 The planning for the keynote session should be done earlier than before. Confirm the main forum and the guest speakers participating in the presentations.

5.1 号后 

  • 进行议程的内容上线   Go ahead and publish the agenda content
  • 特色活动的设计  官网上是否会展示提及到  Design special activities and consider showcasing them on the official website. 
  • 第三方的赞助  可以提供一些定制化的设计 Explore the possibility of featuring third-party sponsors and providing customized designs.

  4.  TAC of CoC Asia 2024 is open 

  • 已上线  TAC的截止时间是5月8号  The deadline for TAC is May 8th.
  • 签证的问题 Regarding visa issues,we have a website page for it.
  • 大约能支助  10-20位  we can provide support for approximately 10-20 individuals
  • 志愿者工作,感兴趣的可以联系姜老师  For volunteer work, please contact Willem Jiang if you are interested.
  • 差旅补助的说明  公司无法支持前提下  Please provide an explanation for travel subsidies, considering the situation where the company is unable to provide support.
  • TAC roles website:

5.  同场活动的可能. Collocated Event

  • 暂不确定是否会有空余的会议室 currently unsure if there will be any available meeting rooms.
  • 官方是否接受不在同一个场地举办会议 Also, I don't know if the ASF accept holding meetings at different venues

Jan 25th,2024, Thursday 

Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host :Qiang Yin 

Next Meeting Host : 夏晨

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Cheng Xia, Xing Wang, Wei Guo, Shen Wu, Ted Liu, Yu Xiao, Trista Pan,  Weiming Xue, Qiang Yin, Peance Wong.


  1. Apache Success in China 2023, Call for content from the community

        深圳和西安ALC一起汇总相关的活动和照片 Willem Ning Jiang 

  1. Track chairs of CoC Asia 2024 

       有意向成为Track Chair的社区伙伴可与姜宁老师联系;肖宇老师报名成为Track chair;成为Track chair才能订阅

  1. CoC Asia 2024 preparation time line
    1. CFP will start at the end of this month
    2. Sponsorship of CoC Asia 2024 

4. 请问今年 TAC 有补助吗?基金会对 CoC Asia 会有费用支持吗?暂时还没有敲定,待咨询。

5. 下次双周例会的时间:2024-2-22。

6. 杭州ALC已经开始投票,大家可参与投票。

Jan 11th,2024, Thursday 


  1. Show case of the ALC Beijing website
    1. Huge thanks to Huajie Wang design the new website of ALC Beijing durning this spring festive holiday 
    2. Slog "bridges of ASF and local community"
    3. Keep the home page simple
    4. Have the Low fidelity design in next team meeting
  2. Apache member meeting reminder
    1. Disucssion of Member nomination critial

Next meeting

  1. IanX share his experience of conference  

Jan 12, 2023, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time
Join Meeting: Time:10:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Join Meeting:

Host : Willem Jiang:Peace Wong

Next Meeting Host :Qiang Yin 

Attendees: Willem Jiang

Attendess: Willem Jiang, Chen Mingyu, Li Gang, Wang Dianjin,Tan Zhongyi,IanX, Jiang Bo, Wang huajie, Xiangdong Huang, Wei Guo, Dai Lidong, Wu Sheng, Lei Ding, Yu Li, Ted Liu


, Zhongyi Tan, LanX, Bo Jiang, Lidong Dai,  Wei Guo, Ted Liu, Fengli Nie, Trista Pan,  Weiming Xue, Peance Wong.


  1. CoC Asia 2024 preparation time line
    1. Website of CoC Asia 2024:The first draft has been completed and is expected to be published online this week.
    2. Sponorship of  CoC Asia 2024: CoC Asia periphery can be added.
    3. CFP system
    4. Other preparations of the CoC Asia 2024
  2. Call for track chair Annual report details Apache Success in China 2022 of ALC Beijing 2022 1.15 afternoon 

            The track chair needs to complete the list confirmation this month.

  1. CoC EU 2024 CFP dead line 12th Jan
    Please confirm if there is any change for those been nominated.