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The Open Metadata Access Services provide the APIs and notifications that will be used by tools, application and engines to access and update metadata in the open metadata repositories. There are multiple, independent OMASs, each targeted at a particular type of tool, application or engine.   




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OMAS Inventory

The OMASs that are either available or in development are shown in the table below.

Asset Catalog OMASProvides search and query capabilities for tools and applications to support a metadata catalog function.  It supports search requests for metadata with specific characteristics and returns summaries of the matching metadata, plus methods to allow drill-down into the details of a specific metadata entity/relationship and navigation to related metadata. In design
Asset Consumer OMASProvides services to applications using OCF Connectors to work with different types of assets such as data stores, APIs and analytical functions.  It provides a factory for connectors that is able to look up connection metadata and call a Connector Broker to create the required connector.  It also provides access to governance services such as Audit Logs.In development
Asset Owner OMASProvides services for an information owner to curate metadata about their asset(s) and understand how these assets are being used and governed.Concept
Community Profile OMASSupport the administration for a community and user profiles.Concept

Connected Asset OMAS

Support metadata lookup in the open metadata repositories to support the OCF connector getConnectedAssetProperties() method. In development
Data Platform OMASProvides a standard hooks and bridges integration point to enable data platforms to publish metadata to the metadata repositories about the changing structures and content stored in the data platform.Concept
Data Science OMASProvides access to metadata for data assets, connections and projects, plus the ability to maintain metadata about data science notebooks and models.  It is designed for data science and analytics management tools.Concept
Software Developer OMASProvides access to glossaries, schema definitions and code snippets for software developers as well as the ability to query and maintain API definitions.  It is designed for API management tools.Concept
DevOps OMASProvides services for a DevOps pipeline to query and maintain metadata about systems, processes and software components that are being deployed into the information landscape.Concept
Discovery OMASProvides the services for discovery services plugged into the Open Discovery Framework (ODF) to manage their configuration and file reports of the annotations they have discovered when analyzing data assets.In design
Governance Engine OMASProvides information about the real-time governance requirements for a collection of assets.  This OMAS is used by governance enforcement engines such as Apache Ranger.In development
Governance Program OMASProvides the ability to maintain a governance program in the open metadata repositories.  It is designed for governance and CDO tools.In design
Information Infrastructure OMASProvides support for the design and planning of the information infrastructure that supports the data assets.Concept
Information Landscape OMASProvides the ability to define information standards, definitions, blueprints and models for an organization.  It is designed for information architecture tools.Concept
Information Process OMASProvides the ability to manage process metadata that is used to provide design metadata.  It is used by data engineering tools such as ETL design tools.Concept
Information Protection OMASProvides the services to support the definition of roles and rules for managing the protection of metadata and assets, plus work with the audit logs captured by the open metadata and governance tools.Concept
Information View OMASProvides information on existing assets plus the ability to define views over these assets.  This OMAS is used by BI reporting tools and virtualization/federation tools to configure their engines.In development
Project Management OMASSupport the management of projects and campaigns.  These projects and campaigns may be for governance projects, or generic data use projects.Concept
Stewardship OMASProvides services for managing exceptions discovered in the information landscape that need correcting.  These exceptions may be quality errors, missing or outdated information, invalid licensing, job failures, and many more.   The stewardship OMAS also enables the review and triage of the exceptions, simple remediation and status reporting.Concept
Subject Area Expert OMASProvides maintenance APIs and notifications to open metadata glossaries.  Also provides the ability to manage reference data and mappings between different types of reference data and schema.  This OMAS is designed to support tools that capture knowledge about data resources from their subject matter experts. This includes glossary, taxonomy and ontology tools.In development
