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An experiment has been conducted to shown a possible split the main NetBeans repository into several smaller parts.

In the experiment, the sources were re-organized into the following structure:

  • clusters

    • platform
    • harness
    • ide
    • java
    • <etc>
  • ide
  • nbi
  • nbbuild

In this structure, there Would be a top-level repository (consisting of ide, nbi and nbbuild) and then a repository per cluster.

The code that does the splitting is here:
this is the actualy splitting code:
And this patch needs to be applied after splitting:

After this, a full NetBeans build should be possible, and testing of java.hints should run.

To try this yourself, you'll need:

  • NetBeans 8.2 installation, in directory $NETBEANS_HOME
  • a clean checkout of NetBeans main repository, tip: b7050e57a3c2, in directory $NETBEANS_REPO
  • the target directory (empty), in $NETBEANS_TARGET


  1. clone the above repository, cd into it
  2. build the code like this:

    ant -Dvar.netbeans.home=$NETBEANS_HOME jar

  3. run the produced jar like this:

    java -cp $NETBEANS_HOME/platform/lib/org-openide-util.jar:$NETBEANS_HOME/ide/modules/org-netbeans-modules-project-ant.jar:$NETBEANS_HOME/platform/core/org-openide-filesystems.jar:$NETBEANS_HOME/platform/lib/org-openide-util-lookup.jar:$NETBEANS_HOME/ide/modules/org-netbeans-modules-projectapi.jar:$NETBEANS_HOME/ide/modules/org-netbeans-modules-projectapi-nb.jar:dist/split-nb-repo.jar split.nb.repo.SplitNbRepo $NETBEANS_REPO $NETBEANS_TARGET

  4. apply the adjustments patch:


    patch -p1 -i $SPLIT_NB_REPO/adjustments.patch

Please note that this was only an experiment: many things would need fixing/improvements (see an incomplete list below).

Notes on the experiment:

  • does not touch modules that are not in the standard distribution or contrib
  • if all modules (including contrib) would be re-organized under clusters, paths inside the scripts could be simplified (i.e. clusters/platform/openide.util could become platform/openide.util inside the scripts)
  • in the experiment, there is still a single global nbbuild/ - would be better to split and place parts into individual repositories
  • the directories under "clusters" don't necessarily need to map 1-1 to clusters: a single repository may contain code for multiple clusters. Like maybe ide and extide => ide, cnd and cndext => cnd, or even platform and harness => platform
  • developers working on a cluster would need to checkout at least repositories for all clusters their cluster requires, transitivelly. Improvements can be considered, possibly using:
  • the experiment will create an unversioned copy of the sources - that would need to be changed to keep history, of course
  • the main intent here is to experiment with a way to keep repository sizes smaller while keeping history. One of the risks here is that having (too many) repositories is also not inconvenient. So, some consolidation of clusters into repositories seems to be in order. As a data point, some other big projects are moving from multiple smaller repository to a single bigger repository (i.e. closer to the current NetBeans state):


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