New Committers or PMC members are usually announced by an existing PMC member, who has been working closely with the contributor, or the PMC Chair.

1. Write an email to (mandatory). Here's an example

[ANNOUNCE] New Apache Flink Committer - David Morávek

Hi everyone,

On behalf of the PMC, I'm very happy to announce David Morávek as a new Flink committer.

His first contributions to Flink date back to 2019. He has been increasingly active with reviews and driving major initiatives in the community. David brings valuable experience from being a committer in the Apache Beam project to Flink.

Please join me in congratulating David for becoming a Flink committer!

Cheers, Robert

2. In addition, we have at some point started to also introduce/announce Committers and PMC members on Twitter like this:

Error rendering macro 'widget'

com.atlassian.confluence.api.service.exceptions.IllegalURLException: The provided url is not included in the whitelist!


A template for this is attached this page: Apache Flink - banner templates or Apache Flink - welcome template v2.drawio

The @ApacheFlink twitter account is owned / managed by the Flink PMC. Currently, Yuan, Xintong, Becket, Till, Stephan, Henry, Konstantin and Robert have access to the account via

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