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活动简介 / Brief

Apache Local Community Shanghai (简称 ALC Shanghai )是立足于上海的 Apache 本地化社区,由五十多位 Apache 会员、committer 和贡献者志愿组成,致力于为当地开源社区举办小型活动,促进开源技术的交流、开源文化和经验的分享等。

Apache Local Community Shanghai (ALC Shanghai for short) is an Apache localization community based in Shanghai. It is composed of more than 50 Apache members, committers and contributors. It is committed to organizing small events for the local open source community to promote the exchange of open source technology, open source culture and experience sharing, etc.

本次 Meetup 是 ALC Shanghai 成立以后举办的首次 Meetup 活动,得到了 ALC Shanghai 成员的积极响应,并获得 Bilibili 公司提供的场地赞助与会嘉宾有 Apache 董事会董事 & Datastrato Community Manager - Justin Mclean、 Bibibili 工程师李天航、Cloudera 工程师陈怡、Intel 工程师陈韦廷,为大家准备了精彩的内容!场地位置有限,欢迎大家通过文章末尾的链接及早报名。

This Meetup is the first Meetup event held after the establishment of ALC Shanghai. It has received positive responses from ALC Shanghai members and received venue sponsorship from Bilibili. The guests included Apache Board Director & Datastrato Community Manager - Justin Mclean, Bibibili engineer Li Tianhang, Cloudera engineer Chen Yi, Intel engineer Chen Weiting, and prepared wonderful content for everyone! The venue is limited, welcome to register early through the link at the end of the article.

活动时间和地点 / Event time and location:

活动时间:2024年8月3日下午,13:30 至 16:00,请提前10分钟签到和入场

Event time: 13:30 to 16:00, August 3, 2024. Please sign in and enter 10 minutes in advance.


Venue: Room 208, Building 2, Guozheng Center, No. 497 Zhengli Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai

活动签到 / Event sign-in:13:15 - 13:30

活动议程 / Agenda

Session 1: Welcome & openning

Speaker:史少锋,Datastrato VP of engineering, ALC Shanghai Chapter Lead

Time:13:30 - 13:35, 5mins

Session 2: Inside the Apache Software Foundation Board

Time: 13:35 - 13:55, 20mins

Speaker:Justin Mclean,Datastrato Community Manager, ASF board member and VP of Incubator

Abstract:This talk delves into the inner workings of the Apache Software Foundation board, shedding light on its workings and the responsibilities of its board members. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the ASF board’s governance structure, decision-making processes, and its crucial role in overseeing one of the world’s largest groups of open-source communities.

Session 3: Gravitino 在 Bilibili 的最佳实践

Time: 13:55 - 14:20 25mins

Speaker: 李天航,Bilibili 大数据开发工程师, Gravitino contributor,专注于大数据场景下的元数据管理 & Spark 计算引擎优化。

Abstract:在传统的大数据元数据管理系统中,以 HiveMetaStore 为核心的架构存在诸多问题和挑战。随着数据湖大规模应用、AI 数据大量增长、数据安全与数据治理被更加被重视,我们难以基于原有的架构或组件实现一套统一的元数据管理系统,进而解决数据孤岛、统一权限,多维度数据治理等问题。因此,在 B 站 我们引入了 Gravitino,本次分享将介绍 Gravitino 在 B 站的最佳实践。其中包括统一多种数据源的元数据视图、统一跨数据源任务的 schema 信息、并且基于 Fileset 概念对非结构化数据进行管理与数据治理,取得了可观的收益。

中场休息:14:20 - 14:30

Session 4: Apache Ozone:What‘s new in the next release

Time14:30 - 14:50, 20min

Speaker:陈怡,Cloudera 首席存储工程师,Ozone PMC Chair & Hadoop PMC,长期专注于分布式存储领域

Abstract:Apache Ozone 已经走过了4个多年头。从最初的0.2.1 版本,到最近的1.4.0 版本,和在筹划中的1.4.1 发布,以及未来的1.5.0 发布。从最初的几个节点的集群,到现在的几百个,甚至上千个节点的集群,一路走来,有很多经验教训,也有很多收获。本次分享将简单回顾下Ozone的发展历程,同时介绍当前Ozone正在和计划重点开发的一些功能,包括HBase on Ozone,元数据Snapshot,数据分层,Recon新功能等等。

Session 5: Apache Gluten introduction and status update

Time:14:50 - 15:10, 20min

Speaker:Weiting Chen,Intel 软件工程师,Apache Gluten commiter & PPMC

Abstract:Apache Gluten 是2024新成立的 incubating 项目。在这个环节中,我们将向大家介绍 Apache Gluten(incubating),我们会提供 Gluten 的概述、快速介绍、状态更新以及最新的性能结果,以帮助您了解什么是 Gluten,以及 Gluten 如何提供一个更好的框架来提升 Spark 的性能。

Free discussion:15:10 - 16:00, 50min

Thanks again to Bilibili for sponsoring the venue for this event. For subsequent events, we welcome all Shanghai-based technology companies to provide various forms of sponsorship for ALC SH events. If you are interested, please leave a message on the official account or contact

Ways of registration

● ALC Shanghai Meetup 活动报名表

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