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Creating a Pull Request on Github 

Our source code is versioned using git at the ASF. We also have a mirror on Github that you can use to fork and submit pull requests for review.

Apache Climate Project on Github:

Apache Climate JIRA issue tracker:

  1. Make a JIRA Issue and save the Issue Number for later use  (i.e. CLIMATE-381)
  2. Fork the Project on Github
  3. Clone your fork to your machine
    $ git clone
    Cloning into 'climate'...
    remote: Counting objects: 10580, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3727/3727), done.
    remote: Total 10580 (delta 5444), reused 10580 (delta 5444)
    Receiving objects: 100% (10580/10580), 548.19 MiB | 488 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (5444/5444), done.
  4. Create a Branch and name it using the JIRA Issue Number from Step 1
    $ cd climate/
    $ git checkout -b CLIMATE-381
    Switched to a new branch 'CLIMATE-381'
  5. Do your work on the branch and commit often
    git commit
    git commit
  6. Push new Branch to Your Repo on GH
    $ git push -u origin CLIMATE-381
    Username for '':
    Password for '':
    Counting objects: #, done.
    Delta compression using up to # threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (#/#), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (#/#), ### bytes, done.
    Total # (delta #), reused # (delta #)
     * [new branch]      CLIMATE-381 -> CLIMATE-381
    Branch CLIMATE-### set up to track remote branch CLIMATE-### from origin. 
  7. Log into Github and Create Pull Request via:
    Be sure to include the ticket number in the title. Ex: "CLIMATE-381 - My PR Title Here"


Committing to the Master 

If you have commit karma on the project be sure to clone the ASF repo found here:

Add the project's Github mirror as an additional remote.


$ git remote add github


When a pull request comes in a notification will be posted on the related JIRA ticket (assuming the user followed the above directions). This notification will tell you the pull request number. Fetch the pull request with:


$ git fetch github refs/pull/<pull request number here>/head:CLIMATE-<ticket number here>


Checkout the branch and validate the request (tests work, etc). Checkout master and merge in the changes with:


$ git merge --no-ff CLIMATE-<ticket number here>


When adding the merge commit message be sure reference the pull request number so it is closed properly. For instance, "close #<pull request number here>". Checkout Github's help pages for message formatting help. Publish the changes to the ASF repo with:


$ git push origin master
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