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Many organisations are wanting to find out how effective they are at attracting a diverse range of people. The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) promotes open, community focussed projects that are welcoming to all, yet have never collected any information to support this.

The main purpose of this survey was to gather feedback from all existing ASF committers about the current level of diversity. Although there are many aspects to diversity including socio-economic, disability, education etc which may be addressed in a future survey, this initial survey was focussed on three broad areas of age, gender and ethnicity. It also captured information about why people contribute to Apache projects.


IMPORTANT NOTE: All responses to this survey were voluntary and anonymous. There was no obligation for any of the ASF committers to respond.

Responses and Response Frequency

  • The survey was open for a total of 14 days (28th November - 11th December 2016)
  • A total of 765 responses were recorded (out of a committer base of 5861 at the time that the survey was carried out)
  • The majority of responses were recorded during the first day
  • A second peak of responses occurred after a survey reminder was sent out close to the end of the survey period.


Responded to the Survey76513%
Didn't Respond to the Survey509687%
Total Committers5861100



DateNumber of Responses
28 Nov 16434
29 Nov 1661
30 Nov 1637
1 Dec 1617
2 Dec 166
3 Dec 166
4 Dec 162
5 Dec 165
6 Dec 163
7 Dec 165
8 Dec 163
9 Dec 16140
10 Dec 1622
11 Dec 1624




  • The survey response percentage was 13% (765 out of 5861)
  • How significant is this as an indication of the total committer population?

Survey Questions

Question 1: How long have you been involved with any Apache project community?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNumber of Responses
Less than 3 years34%257
3 to 5 years24%184
5 to 10 years25%193
Over 10 years17%131
Prefer not to say0%0



  • The objective of this question was to find out how long the committer had been involved with the ASF and to see if it remained balanced over time (e.g. Are people joining as ASF as contributors but then not staying?)
  • All respondents answered this question
  • The largest group of respondents (257) had been with the ASF for less than 3 years.
  • The second largest group of respondents (193) had been with the ASF 5 to 10 years,
  • The third largest group of respondents (184) had been with the ASF 3 to 5 years
  • It is good to see that the largest group are 'newcomers' which seems to indicate that the ASF is attracting them

Question 2: How long have you been a committer on any Apache project?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNumber of Responses
Less than 3 years50.2%384
3 to 5 years21.6%165
5 to 10 years19.3%148
Over 10 years8.8%67
Prefer not to say0.1%1




  • The objective of this question was to find out how long the committer had been a committer, and to see if it was inline with the previous question about how long people had been involved with the ASF.
  • One person preferred not to respond to this question.
  • The largest group of respondents (384) had been a committer for less than 3 years


Question 3: In general, do you contribute to Apache as an individual or as an employee of a company?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNumber of Responses
Individual (unemployed)2.7%21
Individual (retired)1.3%10
Individual (outside regular job)39.5%302
Prefer not to say1.8%14



Additional Breakdown of 'Other' CategoryNumber of Responses
Both an employee and an individual26
Individual Self Employed Contractor / Consultant9



  • The objective of this question was to find out in general how and why people are contributing to Apache projects
  • Fourteen people preferred not to answer this question
  • The largest group of respondents (378) contribute to Apache projects as an Employee, so as part of their employment
  • The second largest group of respondents (302) contribute to Apache individually outside their regular employment. This means that they are volunteering their free time to contribute.

Question 4: How would you like to record your gender for the purposes of this survey?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNumber of Responses
Trans female0.5%4
Trans male0%0
Gender variant / Non-conforming / Non-binary0.8%6
Prefer not to say1.3%10
Not listed0.3%2





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