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This is the start of a proposed release process that recognizes the advances in our tools since the original release process was voted on.


  1. Whenever possible, use the maven release plugin. If something doesn't work file a bug against it.
  2. Use extreme caution in creating branches as opposed to releasing from trunk. While "core" geronimo may need to keep branches, most smaller projects such as specs, plugins, components, and most likely tools should avoid the complexity of branches unless clearly necessary and agreed upon.
  3. When branches are needed, branches/x.y would be the branch for all x.y.z releases

Change Policy

Everyone is encouraged to update this documentation with clarifications, use of newer maven tooling, etc. Only major changes inconsistent with the spirit of this process need to be discussed on the dev list.

The next sections are copied from with modifications for Geronimo.

Releasing A Geronimo Project

What follows is a description of releasing a Geronimo project to a staging repository, whereupon it is scrutinized by the community, approved, and transfered to a production repository.

Be sure that:

  • you have all Maven servers defined in your settings.xml. For more information, please refer to Maven Committer settings which also apply for Geronimo committers.
  • you have created your GPG keys. For more information, please refer to Making GPG Keys.

In order to release a project you must also have the following setup in your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml which is a profile that defines the staging repository.

Here's what your release profile might look like in your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml :

                <deploy.altRepository>apache.releases::default::scp://[your apache id]/public_html/staging-repo</deploy.altRepository>
            <username>[your apache id]</username>
            <passphrase>[secret passphrase if desired]</passphrase>

The server name apache.releases at the start of deploy.altRepository must correspond to the apache.releases server definition. Also that your apache id does not start with "~".

Everything that you need to release has (will have, actually) been configured in the genesis root pom all Geronimo projects inherit from.

You MUST include the correct tagBase for your project. Something like the following should be in your pom:



This is the base release configuration in the genesis root pom:

TODO: get this into genesis (vote immanent)


      <!-- We want to sign the artifact, the POM, and all attached artifacts -->
      <!-- We want to deploy the artifact to a staging location for perusal -->

Release Process for Part Of Geronimo

1. Prepare your poms for release:

  • Make sure there are NO snapshots in the poms to be released.
  • Check that your poms will not lose content when they are rewritten during the release process.
    mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
  • Diff the original file pom.xml with the one called pom.xml.tag to see if the license or any other info has been removed. This has been known to happen if the starting <project> tag is not on a single line. The only things that should be different between these files are the <version> and <scm> elements. Any other changes, you must back-port yourself to the original pom.xml file and commit before proceeding with the release.
  • Remember to do mvn release:clean before you start the real release process.
    2. (optional?) Publish a snapshot:
mvn deploy
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from apache.snapshots


IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure that the generated artifacts respect the Apache release rules : NOTICE and LICENSE files should be present in the META-INF directory within the jar. For -sources artifacts, be sure that your pom does NOT use the maven-source-plugin:2.0.3 which is broken. The recommended version at this time is 2.0.4.

You could verify the deployment under Apache Snapshot repository.

3. Prepare the release

mvn release:prepare

Preparing the release will create the new tag in SVN, automatically checking in on your behalf.

4. Make a copy of the checked out project in this state in case you need to roll back the release

cd ..
cp -r trunk trunk-prepared
cd trunk

AFAICT mvn release:rollback only works on a checkout on which mvn release:prepare has been run but not mvn release:perform

5. Stage the release for a vote

mvn release:perform

6. Stage the latest documentation (if there is an actual maven generated site)

The plugin parent pom is configured to stage the documentation in a "versioned" directory such as /plugins/maven-XXX-plugin-Y.Z-SNAPSHOT.

mvn site:stage-deploy -Preporting

7. Propose a vote on the dev list with the closed issues, the issues left, the staging repository and the staging site. For instance:

To: "Geronimo Developers List" <>
Subject: [VOTE] Release Geronimo xxx version yyy

<info about release>

Staging repo:

Staging site:

Vote open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1

Once a vote is successful, post the result to the dev list and cc the pmc.

In case the vote fails, rollback the release using the backup copy you made in step 4

mvn release:rollback

8. Copy from the staging repo to the production repo

Once the release is deemed fit for public consumption it can be transfered to a production repository where it will be available to all users.

Note: For now the stage plugin hasn't been released yet and you need to build it yourself. The tests for the stage plugin requires that an scp server is present on your local machine. If you are trying to build the plugin on Windows you need to exclude the tests. You do this by adding -Dmaven.test.skip=true on the command line when you build it.

Here is an example on how to use the stage plugin:

mvn stage:copy -Dsource="<your apache id>/staging-repo" \
  -Dtarget="scp://" \
  -Dversion=2.3 \

The version parameter is currently ignored and the entire staging repository is synced, not just the given version or the current project. It still needs to be provided, though.

9. Deploy the current and versioned websites (if there is a reasonable maven generated site)

Be sure to generate and deploy the site using the same version of the release. Typically, you need to check out the tag (or go to target/checkout).

mvn site-deploy -Preporting
mvn site:stage-deploy -Preporting

10. Review Website (if any)

Wait for the files to arrive at

11. Update the plugins page
If this is a plugin release, update the apache geronimo-plugins.xml.
copy the official geronimo-plugins.xml to ~/.m2/repository/geronimo-plugins.xml before the mvn release:perform step
run mvn release:perform
Do some unspecified editing (remove local repo as a possible source).
copy the merged geronimo-plugins.xml back to the official location.
TODO: where is the "official" geronimo-plugins.xml kept?

12. Update JIRA

Go to Admin section in JIRA and move the released version to released and make a new version.
13. Create an Announcement. For instance:

Subject: [ANN] Geronimo Foo Released

The Geronimo team is pleased to announce the release of the Geronimo Foo, version Y.Y

This foo (insert short description of the foo's purpose).

Release Notes - Geronimo Foo - Version Y.Y

(Copy Here Release Notes in Text Format from Jira)


-The Geronimo team

14. Add the release to the next board report, in the private subversion area.
15. Add the release to the wiki, under the Recent Releases section of the front page and on the Releases page.
16. Celebrate :o)

Notes and Gotchas

  • If the selection of modules for the default build is set in a default profile then more work will be necessary. For genesis this involves running mvn release:perform which only deploys the root, then running mvn deploy -Prelease in each of the 3 modules listed in the default profile. For projects that are not expected to be used as parents of independently releasable projects (for instance server/trunk) including the list of modules in the release profile override should work.

When using the maven release plugin is impossible (this should be a less frequent event as we progress):

  1. when a release is frozen, we spin off a branch with that exact name, as in branches/x.y.z, where z starts at zero and increments by one.
  2. at that time branches/x.y is immediately updated to version x.y.(z+1)-SNAPSHOT
  3. We cut releases from the frozen branch
  4. When a release passes final tck testing and final vote, the frozen branch is moved to tags

Updating the poms after making a new branch

Once a new branch is created you will generally need to manage the version number in the poms. The following Perl scripts will assist in that task. It could use some polishing but given the relatively infrequent use.

Pom Version Changer

perl -i.orig -pe '
$done = 0 if /<?xml/;
$inParent = 1 if not $done and /<parent>/;
s,oldVersion</version>,newVersion</version>, if $inParent and not $done;
$done = $inParent = 1 if /<\/parent>/;
' $(find GeronimoDirectory -name pom.xml | grep -v "GeronimoDirectory/pom.xml")

Remember to properly escape periods in the oldVersion. For instance, to change 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.1.1 you would have


perl -i.orig -pe '
$done = 0 if /<?xml/;
$inParent = 1 if not $done and /<parent>/;
s,1\.1\.1-SNAPSHOT</version>,1.1.1</version>, if $inParent and not $done;
$done = $inParent = 1 if /<\/parent>/;
' $(find GeronimoDirectory -name pom.xml | grep -v "GeronimoDirectory/pom.xml")


We create a branch at freeze time for the following reasons:

  1. it takes at least one week from freeze to ship due to voting, tck testing and potential repeats of that process (re-cut, re-certify, re-vote). There is no reason why work on x.y.z+1 needs to be delayed - only 52 weeks a year.
  2. stronger guarantee no one is updating the branch once frozen
  3. less likely that people and ci systems (continuum) will checkout and build pre-release versions of x.y.z (not x.y.z-SNAPSHOT) which would need to be removed manually and may accidentally be distributed.
  4. it is currently very difficult to roll version numbers forward, entries here and there are often missed. Far better to have branches/x.y have a few straggling old x.y.z-SNAPSHOT versions than a few overlooked x.y.z final numbers that needed to go back to SNAPSHOT - they never leave SNAPSHOT and need to be reverted back later if that process happens in the frozen branch.


  1. Download and install the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) from Read the documentation on that site and create a key. Have the key signed and verified by others. Submit your public key to This is a one time process.
  2. Create a "staging" profile in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
            <!-- deploy.altRepository>prasad::default::scp://</deploy.altRepository -->
            <gpg.passphrase>Your GPG Passphrase</gpg.passphrase>
  3. Copy (or move as per situation, for eg specs) the trunk to branches using the following command.
    svn mv SRC-URL DEST-URL -m "Reason for this commit".
  4. Checkout or update this branches tree on your machine.
  5. Update the <scm> urls in the pom.xml to point to the final url in tags. Eg:
  6. Build the new branches tree that will soon be released using the following command.
    mvn -Pdefault,staging deploy
  7. Go the temporary staging directory specified by deploy.altRepository element in the staging profile of your settings.xml. Delete all *.asc.* files under this directory tree. Tar the staging directory using the command
    find . -name *.asc.* | xargs rm -f
    tar -zcvf release.tar.gz releases
  8. Copy the tar ball to a publicly accessible location. Put it for a vote. In the vote notice, please include the precise names and versions being voted on (e.g. geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec-1.1) and the svn urls to the current source and where the tag will be created.
  9. After it has been approved, untar the tar ball into the appropriate maven structure on under the directory /www/ A cron job will rsync this with ibiblio and release it into the wild.
    gunzip foo.tar.gz
    tar -xvf foo.tar

    Ensure that the files you copy to the rsync directory have 0775 dir permission and a 0664 file permission set on them.

  10. Move the branches to tags using the following command.
    svn mv SRC-URL DEST-URL -m "Reason for this commit".


The process in this document was voted on by the Geronimo community. Please formally propose all changes to


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