Whereas the TestCliDriver tests run all tests under /clientpositive and /clientnegative respectively, the MiniDriver tests (i.e., TestMiniTezCliDriver, TestMinimrCliDriver) run only a subset of those for time reasons.  These are determined by a properties file located in ./itests/qtest/testconfiguration.properties.

Currently there are the following properties:

Thus, be sure to update this properties file if adding a new MiniDriver test.

As this list may change, check the ./itests/qtest/pom.xml for latest definition of what each does.

The Hive PTest2 Infrastructure running Hive Pre Commit Tests does not use ./itests/qtest/pom.xml but has similar logic to parse this property file, in short because it needs to create different test batches for each node.  If changing these definitions, please keep in mind Ptest2 Infra in addition to the pom.xml would need to understand the new changes as well.