Apache Giraph Google Summer of Code 2013 Ideas Page

Please see the directories below for this years proposals.

Each project proposal should be annotated as fully and in as relevant a manner as possible, clearly defining the project scope, aim and objectives.

1.Project: Giraph implementation of Nutch LinkRank Algorithm


Project Aim

Project Objectives

Project Scope




Ahmet Emre Aladağ

2.Project: Giraph integration with Tinkerpop

This project relates to the respective JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GIRAPH-549

Project Aim

Graph databases are dbms that are very efficient to run graph traversals to answer queries. Typical examples are Neo4j, OrientDB, Dex, etc. Graph databases and Giraph solve two different problems in the graph processing world. The first ones solve needs for queries that touch a small portion of the graph, and that need to be answered with low latency (milliseconds). The second one solves the need for large computations that touch all the graph, possibly many times, hence potentially lasting for hours. Both tools are not good in solving the problem the other one is good at.
However they can work together. By injecting the graph from a graph database into Giraph, it is possible to run analytics that cannot be run on the graph database itself, as much as MapReduce can be used to run OLAP queries on data stored in a standard RDBMS.

Project Objectives

The aim of the project is to integrate graph databases as inputs for Giraph, along with the current ones (e.g. HBase, Accumulo etc.). In particular, use Tinkerpop with Giraph as a way to inject data into Giraph for graph analytics. Precisely, to leverage Blueprints and Rexter, that build a vendor-agnostic API over the vendor-specific ones, and export it via a REST API.

Project Scope

The project scope is divided in three main milestones:

  • Integrate Rexter into Giraph inputs, e.g. leveraging existing classes in Faunus for MapReduce
  • Define a mapping between the flexible Property Graph data model to Giraph's data model
  • Allow to specify the input graph from the graph database to Giraph via a query (not only support injecting the whole graph)

For very successful students, there are possibilities to extend the work with more deliverables:

  • Support Titan as an input
  • Support GraphSON as an InputFormat


Tinkerpop: http://www.tinkerpop.com/
Blueprints: https://github.com/tinkerpop/blueprints/wiki
Rexter: https://github.com/tinkerpop/rexster/wiki
Faunus: http://thinkaurelius.github.io/faunus/
Titan: http://thinkaurelius.github.io/titan/
GraphSON: https://github.com/thinkaurelius/faunus/wiki/GraphSON-Format
Neo4j: http://www.neo4j.org/
OrientDB: http://www.orientdb.org/


3.Project: Remove maven-plugin from Giraph

This project relates to the respective JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GIRAPH-101

Project Aim

Munge is a hacky way of support multiple versions of Hadoop. The shim layers in Pig and Hive could be a cleaner way to do this.

Project Objectives

Project Scope


Maven-munge: http://sonatype.github.io/munge-maven-plugin/


How to apply

Please read GSoC guide for student to apply. It is highly recommend to discuss your interest before you apply. The best way to discuss is to comment on individual Jira or send mail to dev list.

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1 Comment

  1. I'm very interested in participating in the GSoC, contribute and learn open source programming. I'm a computer science student at the Western University in Ontario. Of particular interest to me is the Nutch Giraph Integration otherwise known as the Giraph Implementation of Nutch LinkRank Algorithm. I find the idea very interesting. I can also work on the project idea: Giraph integration with Tinkerpop. I've being reading up on Apache Nutch, Apache Giraph, Tinkerpop frameworks, Graph databases (e.g. Neo4j, OrientDB, Titan), Faunus and GraphSON from the various sites and writing the suggestions for a learning path from scratch to implement the feature that will be included in the final proposal. And I will be more than happy to contribute by focusing on a project and learning open source programming from the Apache community.