The "Cocoon Forms" framework (also known by the nickname Woody) is introduced starting from Cocoon 2.1. However, it is under very active development and the latest CVS versions might provide many advantages.
NEWS: The woody block has been renamed to "forms". The first Cocoon release to include this renamed version will be 2.1.5. All further development will happen on this new block, so you are encouraged to migrate. Instructions on migrating, which consists of doing some renames, can be found Woody2CocoonForms.
The new page for everything Cocoon Forms related is over here: Forms
- WoodyIntro
- WoodySample
- Reference:
- WoodyWidgetReference
- WoodyDatatypeReference (includes info on selectionlists and convertors)
- WoodyValidationRuleReference
- WoodyTemplateTransformer
- WoodyXSLT
- WoodyBinding
- API:
- WoodyFlowscriptAPI
- WoodyJavaAPI
- WoodyEventHandling
- WoodyFAQ
- WoodyNotes
- Comparisions with similar technologies
- CocoonForms-JSF (summary of an offlist discussion between SylvainWallez and ReinhardPoetz)
- XMLForm and Woody (by SylvainWallez)
- WoodyTODO
- CocoonFormsRoadmap - get an overview what is left until we can release CocoonForms and who is working on which item
- WoodyScratchpad - some notes on ongoing work.
- CubistForms - Checking to see if we are covering all the angles in the drive towards "stable".
- Extending Cocoon Forms:
All docs in one printable page
- WoodyHibernateAndFlow
- OJBBlock contains a Woody sample
- WorkingWithLocales contains some samples on Locale Usage
- The presentation Sylvain gave about Woody at the GetTogether is available online. See the events/gt2003 folder on your local Apache mirror site.