All the PHP support for NetBeans 9 was contributed by our NetBeans user Junichi Yamamoto.
PHP 7.3 Support
- Allow a trailing comma in function calls
- list() Referenct Assignment
- Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntaxes
PHP 7.2 Support
- Trailing Commas In List Syntax
- Coloring for object type
- PHP version in Project Properties dialog
PHP 7.1 Support
- Class constant visibility
- Multi catch exception handling
- Nullable types
- Support for keys in list()
- Coloring for new keywords(void, iterable)
- PHP version in Project Properties dialog
PHP 7.0 Support
- Context sensitive lexer
PHPStan Support
- Options (Tools > Options > PHP > Code Analysis > PHPStan)
- Inspect (Source > Inspect... > Configuration: PHPStan)
- Hint for void return types
- Hint for incorrect non-abstract methods
- Suggestion for the strict types declaration. It is suggested when the caret is on the line which contains "<?php" and the file doesn't have the declaration.
- Lowercase code completion for TRUE, FALSE, and NULL constants. Enabled by default.
- Code folding for arrays
- Code foldings for use statements
- Code folding for php tags
- New vardoc support (/** @var VarType $varType */)
- Option for comment completion. Enabled by default. (Tools > Options > Editor > Code Completion > Language: PHP)
- Conditional breakpoints
- Autocompletion for delimiters, brackets, and quotes
- Support for the palette