Currently we have 23 languages in OFBiz (including English) with a total of 15437 labels more or less translated depending on languages.
If you want to check for yourself, visit follow the advice at top and select your locale. The user id is admin and the password is ofbiz.
Translated Language | Existing Labels | Translated |
Arabic | 6043 | 40% |
Chinese | 15220 | 99% |
Chinese (Taiwan) | 15204 | 98% |
Chinese (Continental) | 812 | 5% |
Czech | 1164 | 7.5% |
Danish | 1002 | 6.5% |
Dutch | 6119 | 40% |
German | 11603 | 75% |
German (Swiss) | 86 | 0% |
English (reference) | 15437 | 100% |
English (United Kingdom) | 65 | 0% |
English (India) | 1 | 0% |
French | 13298 | 86% |
Italian | 13812 | 90% |
Japanese | 14793 | 95% |
Portuguese | 4610 | 30% |
Portuguese (Brazil) | 5738 | 37% |
Portuguese (Portugal) | 636 | 4% |
Romanian | 8104 | 52% |
Russian | 7976 | 52% |
Spanish | 8707 | 56% |
Thai | 10524 | 68% |
Vietnamese | 12466 | 86% |