Jackrabbit Branch Development / Integration
In this section I want to summarize the process of the content repository integration.
All development takes place in the jackrabbit branch.
Information about JCR and Jackrabbit
- The Java Content Repository API (JCR) is a standard for content repositories
- Jackrabbit is an implementation of the JCR specification
- Content Repository for Java Technology API Specification (JSR-170)
- Content Repository for Java Technology API Specification (JSR-283)
Motivation - Why we want to integrate Jackrabbit / a JCR Interface in OFBiz
- When we have an external content Repository it's easy to connect third party tools to the repository (i.e. CMS Systems)
- If we have a generic JCR implementation we can simply add different content repositories
- Content Repositories allow easier maintenance of complex content structures, as contents are no longer stored in different tables (Content, Resource, ElectronicText ...).
- Content Repositories can provide revisioning of contents and content modifications
Table of Content
- Initial integration of the Jackrabbit repository - features and architecture description
- Design documents
- Configuration document
- Requirements and Ideas
- Current DB based content implementation vs JCR based content implementation