
Docker containers are an emerging technology that allows users to run ultra lightweight virtual machines on their computer.

If you have Docker installed you can use the latest OODT RADiX release using docker by running:

docker pull buggtb/oodt
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 -p 2001:2001 -p 9200:9200  --name my_first_oodt -i -t oodt

The -p command forwards ports to localhost. So you can use all the components with a single command. User can login to OPS UI by visiting http://localhost:8080/opsui

If you want to access to the services individually on the system, you will have to forward relevant ports appropriately or directly use above

If you want to build a customized OODT Docker container, please refer this medium article.


Docker offers very powerful networking and distribution capabilities so in the future we will be building out this service to allow a highly scalable yet quick to deploy OODT setup.

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  1. Tom Barber what are the ideas to keep this image up-to-date witht he OODT releases?

    I can't see the Docketfile within

  2. I was assuming the overlords would have a docker solution by now, but I did put it in svn: