Apache XML Security for Java 2.0.0 release notes
- [SANTUARIO-330] - Problem processing #default PrefixList for streaming signature verification
- [SANTUARIO-331] - Verify PhaosTest#test_signature_rsa_detached_b64_transform and others
- [SANTUARIO-336] - Multiple race conditions in the ResolverDirectHttp implementation
- [SANTUARIO-337] - ResourceResolver does thread-unsafe handling of the "secureValidation" flag
- [SANTUARIO-347] - StAX - Review / Refactor XMLSecurityInputProcessor class
- [SANTUARIO-351] - Avoid possible NPE in Unsync OutputStreams
- [SANTUARIO-356] - Expand OSGi import versions for javax.xml.crypto*
- [SANTUARIO-365] - JAXB Context from ObjectFactory....
- [SANTUARIO-369] - XMLSecurityStreamWriter setPrefix() and setDefaultNamespace() outputs namespaces
- [SANTUARIO-371] - Junit test fails on 2.0 branch
- [SANTUARIO-372] - SignatureCreationReferenceURIResolverTest fails on Windows system
- [SANTUARIO-373] - SignatureVerificationReferenceURIResolverTest fails on Windows system
- [SANTUARIO-383] - NPE in DOMXMLSignature
New Feature
- [SANTUARIO-317] - Streaming signature reference does not support no Transforms element
- [SANTUARIO-318] - Support Base64 streaming Transform
- [SANTUARIO-319] - Support streaming XML Signature references to http resources
- [SANTUARIO-320] - Support streaming enveloped signatures
- [SANTUARIO-321] - Support streaming XML Signature XPointer references
- [SANTUARIO-322] - Support streaming XML Signature references to local resources
- [SANTUARIO-324] - Append Signature element just after the root Element for the streaming case
- [SANTUARIO-325] - Streaming Signature Transformation and Digest Algorithms should be configurable per Reference
- [SANTUARIO-326] - Associated SignedElement SecurityEvents with the corresponding digest/c14n SecurityEvents
- [SANTUARIO-327] - Add a secure validation switch for streaming signature processing
- [SANTUARIO-328] - Streaming Signature Validation RSA test-case not working
- [SANTUARIO-329] - Streaming XML Encryption support
- [SANTUARIO-332] - Streaming xml security exceptions
- [SANTUARIO-338] - Implement XML Encryption 1.1 testcases using streaming code
- [SANTUARIO-339] - Make it easier to see the signing/decrypting key for the streaming case
- [SANTUARIO-349] - Update JCP dsig code to simplify serialization
- [SANTUARIO-352] - Protected data in ElementProxy leaks implementation details into many subclasses
- [SANTUARIO-354] - Switch to use SLF4J for logging
- [SANTUARIO-358] - OSGi issue with javax.xml.crypto API packages included in Santuario xmlsec.jar
- [SANTUARIO-366] - Optimize pom
- [SANTUARIO-377] - Proposed implementation change for ResourceResolverSpi
- [SANTUARIO-346] - Create Memory + Performance tests for the stax code
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