Lightweight components
Lightweight components are simple jbi components that activate a single JBI endpoint and do not support service unit deployments. They can be configured using the spring configuration file or deployed onto the servicemix-lwcontainer component.
Service Engines
- Rules based routing via the Drools rule engine.
- Cache for caching service invocations using a Map cache or a JCache provider
- Groovy for clean integration with the Groovy scripting language as a component, transformer or expression language
- JCA allows the Java Connector Architecture to be used for efficient thread pooling, transaction handling and consumption on JMS or other Resource Adapters
- Quartz to support enterprise timer integration via the Quartz library
- Scripting support to allow any JSR 223 compliant scripting engine to be used to easily create a component, perform a transformation or be an expression language.
- Transformation using XSLT
- Validation for schema validation of documents using JAXP 1.3 and XMLSchema or RelaxNG
- XSQL for working with SQL and XML via Oracle's XSQL library
SOAP Bindings
- ActiveSOAP the lightweight StAX based SOAP stack
- JAX WS to use the JAX-WS API to make a web service client invocation or to host a Java based web service and expose it over multiple protocols
- SAAJ for Soap With Attachments and Apache Axis support
- XFire for clean integration with POJOs via the XFire SOAP stack
- WSIF for integration with the Apache Web Service Invocation Framework (WSIF)
Transport Bindings
- Email support via JavaMail
- File based components for writing messages to files and polling directories and sending files into the JBI
- FTP support via the Jakarta Commons Net library
- HTTP both client side GET/POST with commons httpclient and server side processing with servlets or Jetty
- Jabber to provide bindings to Jabber network via the XMPP protocol
- JMS via the Java Messaging Service plus all of the great, reliable and scalable transports in ActiveMQ which includes persistence, recovery and transaction support.
- RSS support via Rome library for accessing and processing RSS feeds.
- VFS via the Jakarta Commons Net library which provides access to file systems, jars/zips/bzip2, temporary files, WebDAV, Samba (CIFS), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SFTP among others