SpamAssassin Infrastructure Notes
This section of the wiki is intended to hold notes on SpamAssassin's infrastructure – mailing lists, svn, where to ask about getting stuff fixed, etc. The intended audience is the SpamAssassin committers. Hopefully most of this page will be simply links to pages in , rather than duplicating too much of that site.
Reporting Failures is the bug-tracker used to report and track ASF infrastructure issues.
Before reporting an issue, check which replaced in May 1014.
In some cases, you can also mail infrastructure /at/
. There are a number of mailing lists for ASF infrastructure management. See for more information.
Machines we use lists the ASF's machines. We use:
minotaur aka people: for publishing releases according to build/README (in svn); static content - This information is likely out of date but the build/README is accurate.
NOTE: Accounts for minotaur are for committers only – requested via the PMC chair.
SUFFERED CATASTROPHIC FAILURE April 2014: a Solaris Zone running on, running various services, see SpamAssassinAsfZone A CentOS VM that replaced the Solaris This box has the same IP as as a secondary IP address. a Solaris Zone running on, running various services, see SpamAssassinAsfZone
Accounts for the zone are for committers only – requested via the PMC. ASF bugzilla
Creating accounts, granting karma, etc
- Account creation is detailed in the PMC FAQ:
- Account karma can be granted by the PMC Chair: InfraNotes GrantingKarma
- PMC people: explains how to create an acct on the Solaris zones. Here is a quick guide:
- Create the account with this command:
- sudo useradd -d /export/home/fred -m -c "Fred Smith" fred
- Set a password with this command:
- sudo passwd fred
- Check for password file format errors with this command:
- sudo pwck
- Finally, if needed, add the user to sudoers in /etc/opt/sfw with this command:
- /opt/sfw/sbin/visudo
SSH Access for SpamAssassin VM Box
Create a user with useradd -c 'Full name of User' username that matches their ASF username.
Create a file with their public key for ssh to /etc/ssh/ssh_keys/<username>.pub
Add the username to the sshusers group with useradd -G sshusers <username>
Things to do if you're a new committer in SpamAssassin
an ASF guide doc:
set up SSH access to minotaur:
Creating rsync accounts: RsyncConfig
Mailing lists
We have several; not sure what machine they're hosted on. If you're a committer, and feel like it, it'd be great if you could help out with moderation – it's just a matter of bouncing spam that's being sent to the lists, bouncing mails being sent to the announce list, and approving people who aren't spammers for the other lists.
Administration and moderation is discussed in ; this seems to be mostly up to date. Here's the EZMLM remote admin manual.
More details are at .
Note that in general, if an ASF list is for committers or members only (a few are), you need to use your address to subscribe, it seems. This isn't written down anywhere I can find, but seems to be the case.
The ASF run a (very basic) archive of all the lists at . There's also something called eyebrowse; don't use it, it's borked.
The web site
The master copy of the static content is on minotaur at /www/
. It's built with webmake, which is a simple perl website building tool. The source file is called 'main.wmk'. To run webmake on minotaur, read build/README
in svn, that tells you how to set up your path to use the installed copy of webmake in jm's home dir.
Ensure your umask is set to 002 before writing to files here – this is VERY important! We don't have root here, and screwups have to be fixed by someone on the infrastructure team who does.
Note that the static content is hosted in SVN at . If you make any changes on minotaur, be sure to check them in – you may have to copy the changed files from the checkout there into your own checkout, btw, to be able to authenticate correctly to the svn server; or better, do the change in your own checkout first, and simply 'svn up' on minotaur.
Web site visibility
See for the official doco.
Our web site is configured so it displays static pages committed to our svn repo in directory "site". Commits made to there will be served immediately. Remember to refresh your browser cache to see a recent change.
As an alternative location, you also have a public HTML dir on minotaur – it's at , e.g. . This is not mirrored. Files placed in minotaur:~/public_html will be visible immediately. This is good for publishing prereleases and alphas.
The ASF download mirrors
The download mirrors are used specifically to mirror the /dist/ portion of the website; there's not much need to discuss that here, as there's very strict rules on what files can be published there, and their layout, and it's covered in build/README.
It is worth noting in passing though that despite what it says in and , symbolic links will NOT work in that part of the site on certain mirrors! This has bitten us before. see
Your email address
You have a .forward file as discussed at . SSH in and set it up!
Using the Zone and see . There's some more info at SpamAssassinAsfZone.
/etc/rc3.d/* output goes to /var/svc/log/milestone-multi-user-server:default.log ; rc2.d to milestone-multi-user:default.log .
This mystery process:
0 S noaccess 10382 9927 0 40 20 ? 45618 ? 10:49:07 ? 0:35 /usr/java/bin/java -server -Xmx128m
is the "Java web console". I've disabled it – and a batch of other unused services – using:
sudo svcadm -v disable webconsole sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/opengl/ogl-select sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/font/stfsloader sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/x11/xfs sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/finger sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/ftp sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/rpc/cde-calendar-manager sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/rpc/cde-ttdbserver sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/telnet sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/cde-spc sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/network/rpc-100235_1/rpc_ticotsord sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/management/seaport sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/management/snmpdx sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/cde-printinfo sudo svcadm -v disable svc:/application/font/fc-cache
see ContinuousTesting. when creating slaves on the Solaris zone, you cannot use "buildbot slave" to create it due to a bug in use of ptys; instead:
PASSWORD=slavepassword NAME=slavename mkdir /home/bbmass/slaves/$NAME chdir /home/bbmass/slaves/$NAME mktap buildbot slave --basedir /home/buildbot/slaves/$NAME \ --master --name $NAME \ --passwd $PASSWORD --usepty=0
RuleQA / Nightly Masschecks
The RuleQA process is running on as a daemon named "freqsd".
bash-3.00$ ptree ... 14136 sh -c ./build/automc/freqsd -pidfile /export/home/automc/freqsd/pid 14137 /local/perl586/bin/perl ./build/automc/freqsd -pidfile /export/home/automc/freq 14138 /local/perl586/bin/perl ./build/automc/freqsd -pidfile /export/home/automc/freq 10711 sh -c cd masses ; ./rule-qa/automc/gen_info_xml 10712 /local/perl586/bin/perl -w ./rule-qa/automc/gen_info_xml 29465 sh -c cd masses/rule-qa ; ./reports-from-logs --override='output_classes=OVERLA 29466 /local/perl586/bin/perl -w ./reports-from-logs --override=output_classes=OVERLA
If this daemon is not running (i.e. if the results reported at are more than a day old) then it should be restarted:
# Update from SVN, just to make sure everything's current: cd /export/home/svn-trunk sudo -u automc -H svn up # Restart the daemon sudo -H /etc/init.d/freqsd restart
Is now at the ASF at .
Updating the SVN Certs
see SvnCertUpdate.