Overview of Trafodion project tools
Git Tool
Install git via your linux distro. See: http://git-scm.com/downloads
Bash customization is highly recommended if you are a regular git user. Command completion enables the shell to auto-complete git sub-commands, branch names, etc.
Source the command completion and prompt files in via your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc
source /usr/share/doc/git-*/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash source /usr/share/doc/git-*/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh # some versions of git it is elsewhere: # source /etc/bash_completion.d/git # Set multi-color, git-aware prompt (git branch and working dir) - customize as desired # bash(1) colors: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/unices/36461/ # 2;33 = dark yellow # 0;31 = red # 0m = default color # \! = command history number # \w = working dir PS1='\033[2;33m# \! $(__git_ps1 "\033[0;31m(%s)\033[2;33m ")\w\n\033[2;33m#> \033[0m'
If you are using git version less than 1.8, git-prompt.sh is not a separate file, but included in git-completion.bash.
Set up your identification.
- git config --global user.name "Firstname Lastname"
- git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"
To check your git configuration:
- git config --list
Defect Tracking
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRAFODION
In order to have certain permissions, including assigning issues to yourself, you need to be a Contributor in the project. Be sure to sign up for a JIRA account if you don't have one, and ask to be added as a project Contributor as described in the On-Boarding page.
Code Repository
We use git to manage code versions.
Apache Repo: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-trafodion.git
GitHub Mirror: https://github.com/apache/incubator-trafodion
Code Review
We use GitHub pull-requests for code review. All of the activity on github is captured in ASF JIRA and/or ASF project mail archives by ASF INFRA team automation. In this way, we do not depend on github for accurate history of where contributions come from.
Current pull requests: https://github.com/apache/incubator-trafodion/pulls
Each pull-request title should start with a JIRA ID in brackets, so that activity can be logged to the correct JIRA issue.
Regardless of the title, the pull-request activity is also logged to the codereview mail list: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-trafodion-codereview/
GitHub Tips
GitHub Account
If you do not already have an account, sign-up for one: https://github.com/join
Add your SSH public key: https://github.com/settings/ssh
Using the https or ssh (git@github.com) protocols is handy in case your firewall blocks the git:// protocol.
Hub is a handy git wrapper for working with github. See https://hub.github.com/
- Download pre-compiled version from https://github.com/github/hub/releases and un-tar the package.
- cp hub ~/bin # or somewhere in your $PATH
- If git protocol is blocked by your firewall, set the default protocol to https
- git config --global hub.protocol https
- cp etc/hub.bash_completion.sh ~/lib # somewhere to reference it in your .bashrc file
Update your shell resource file:
Git Customization
Bash customization is highly recommended if you are a regular git user. Command completion enables the shell to auto-complete git sub-commands, branch names, etc.
Source the command completion and prompt files in via your shell resource file:
If you want to use a class browser to explore C++ or Java classes in Trafodion, or if you need to debug Java code, Eclipse is a very useful tool. Run the following command on the top level of your source tree (incubator-trafodion):
make eclipse
This will create some .project files, which make it easier to import the Trafodion projects into Eclipse. Follow the instructions printed at the end of this make step. Basically, you will ask Eclipse to import external projects (identified by a .project file) in the source tree. This will result in one C++ project for the majority of the code and in several Java projects, one for each source tree of Java files we have (HBase-trx, dcs, rest, sql, and more).
If you need to install Eclipse, a good version to use is the Java version of Eclipse Mars with additional C++ tools installed via Help -> Install New Software.
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