This topic includes a series of articles discussing all the administration related tasks. In order to perform those tasks you will require knowing the tools provided by Apache Geronimo. This article is grouped in following main sections having a similar structure with what you would find in Introducing Geronimo Administration Console section, this way should be easier for you to familiarize on both tasks and console. Note that not only the Administration Console will be used as reference in this article but also some command line options will be covered. Command line options are covered in detail in the Tools and Commands section.
- Introducing Geronimo Administration Console
- Deploying and administering assets in Geronimo This topic is about how to manage your applications and Geronimo plugins.
- Configuring and administering the Apache Geronimo Server This topic is about how to set up intermediary services with Geronimo.
- Configuring services This topic is about how to set up a production environment for your applications.
- Administering Security This topic covers some common security related tasks such as adding and removing users and groups, dealing with digital certificates and increasing the security level by using different realms and authentication methods.
- Configuring the transaction manager identity
- Configuring databases in Geronimo
- Monitoring the health of the Apache Geronimo server This topic is about how to monitor resources usage and status of Geronimo server.
- Extensible Administration Console The Extensible Administration Console is a new Administration Console designed to mirror the flexibility of Geronimo's architecture.