This topic is about how to set up a production environment for your applications.
- Adding JARs to the Geronimo repository
- Configuring datasource — Database pools provide a mechanism for applications to access databases hosted on database managers without having to include the physical implementation details of the database in the application code. The database pools also relieve the application from managing things such as connection pools and timeouts.
- Configuring a DB2 datasource
- Configuring a derby datasource — You can use the embedded derby database and create a datasource for it.
- Configuring a MySQL datasource — This articles shows you how to configure a mysql datasource in Geronimo.
- Import database pools from JBoss 4
- Import database pools from WebLogic 8.1
- Removing database pools
- Configuring JMS resources — A JMS resource group is a resource adapter module that binds together the related connection factories, queues and topics. To create and access JMS resources such as queues, topics and connection factories in Geronimo, you have to create a JMS resource group.
- JMS Resources deployment with deploy tool — You can deploy JMS resources with deploy command (without Web console).
- Using ActiveMQ wizard — In this article, we will demonstrate how to configure a JMS resource group and how to uninstall it using Geronimo Administrator Console
- Configuring multiple repositories — The advantage of having multiple repositories is that they can reside on different server instances.