- Hive Tutorial
- Hive SQL Language Manual: Commands, CLIs, Data Types,
DDL (create/drop/alter/truncate/show/describe), Statistics (analyze), Indexes, Archiving,
DML (load/insert/update/delete/merge, import/export, explain plan),
Queries (select), Operators and UDFs, Locks, Authorization - File Formats and Compression: RCFile, Avro, ORC, Parquet; Compression, LZO
- Procedural Language: Hive HPL/SQL
- Hive Configuration Properties
- Hive Clients
- Hive Client (JDBC, ODBC, Thrift)
- HiveServer2: Overview, HiveServer2 Client and Beeline, Hive Metrics
- Hive Web Interface
- Hive SerDes: Avro SerDe, Parquet SerDe, CSV SerDe, JSON SerDe
- Hive Accumulo Integration
- Hive HBase Integration
- Druid Integration
- Kudu Integration
- Hive Transactions, Streaming Data Ingest, and Streaming Mutation API
- Hive Counters
- Using TiDB as the Hive Metastore database
Administrator Documentation
Sometimes a version number changes before the release. When that happens, the original number might still be found in JIRA, wiki, and mailing list discussions. For example:
Release Number | Original Number |
1.0.0 | 0.14.1 |
1.1.0 | 0.15.0 |
2.3.0 | 2.2.0 |
More information about Hive branches is available in How to Contribute: Understanding Hive Branches.