Struts 2 Wiki Home

The Struts 2 Wiki is a community-supported resource. To contribute to the wiki space, simply create a CWIKI Confluence account.

The S2 Wiki space is not bundled with the Struts 2 distribution, but it is still an exciting and valuable community resource!

Visit the Struts 2 Documentation space for the official project documentation!

Here is a list of pages at the top level of this wiki:

articles and press

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better filter strategy

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bootstrap with struts 2 and netbeans 60

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companies that provide struts 2 support

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creating a custom dojo profile for struts 20x

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developer stories

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how to add dynamic redirect in my action

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idea plugin

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jquery ajax tags plugin proposal

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large struts 2 application architecture

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living without the nestedtag in struts2

description needed

ognl replacement

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projects using webwork or struts2

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related projects

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sample applications with java 14x

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struts 2 tutorial

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struts 20 articles

description needed

struts 20 kickstart on netbeans 55

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struts 25 based on osgi

description needed

strutting the opensymphony way

description needed

tiles2 graduation proposal

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Troubleshooting guide migrating from Struts 2.0.x to 2.1.x

description needed


description needed

welcome to apache struts2

description needed

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