Thanks for your interest.  If you don't see something here, please send an email to 

This is a volunteer run effort. 

As a kind of quick overview for how to dig in:

  1. Consult the fineract web page 
  2. Read the FAQ (frequently asked questions)
  3. Review the APIs and check out the features on the demo server (
  4. Peruse some of this wiki 
  5. Join the listserv 
  6. Browse some of the Jira issues (aka tickets, bugs, enhancements) 
  7. Set up dev environment (if coding) or go to a demo environment (if documentation or UI) per instructions on wiki and readme
  8. Dig further into wiki 
  9. Ask questions about specific tasks or code on the list 
  10. Before doing any code, please be sure to check in via tickets and listserv and understand the process 

As a reminder this is a volunteer run effort, be respectful and only ask questions once you have read the materials, and tried to figure things out yourself.

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