Older News
- 21 December 2004
- Use continuations to develop complex Web applications - An article published in IBM developers works.
- 10 December 2004
- HtmlToXsltExperiments added
- 5 December 2004
- Planning and design for Templates in Cocoon
- 30 November 2004
- You wonder what's missing for Cocoon 2.2? see 22Planning
- 21 November 2004
- Specification for Cocoon block management tools available (written as user documentation)
- 20 November 2004
- Cocoon 2.1.6 released
- 14 October 2004
- Added GT2004Pictures to collect links to photo albums
- 12 October 2004
- Notes from the presentations are at GT2004Notes
- Jeremy Quinn's CocoonBestPractices presentation added to the wiki as a starting point for discussion.
- 11 October 2004 Great work done on improving the Cocoon215TOC page.
- October 1st 2004
- CocoonGetTogether2004PGP created - please add your key there if you're coming to the GT
- 11 August 2004
- 9 August 2004
- 20 July 2004
- Added the ButterflyManifesto.
- 12 July 2004
- Added SVGSerializerKeys reference
- 2 July 2004
- FirstFriday July - Cocoon Wiki is being migrated from cocoondev.org ... please help to fine-tune it ... ConfigTodo.
- June 19, 2004
- Added SpringPetstore
- June 6, 2004
- Using data from LotusDomino
- June 4, 2004
- The next FirstFriday.
- May 25, 2004
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1.5 release! Get it from download location
- May 13, 2004
- BenchmarkingWithAb added - BertrandDelacretaz
- May 9, 2004
- A new book about Cocoon 2 is available: Cocoon 2 und Tomcat (German).
- May 8, 2004
- RhinoShell added, shows how to run an interactive shell to learn or test the Rhino Javascript language used by Flow.
- May 7, 2004
- The next FirstFriday is planned for FirstFridayMay2004.
- April 25, 2004
- The Lenya team is proud to announce Lenya 1.2dev release! Get it from download location
- April 22, 2004
- April 10, 2004
- The Lenya team is proud to announce Lenya 1.2rc3 release! Get it from download location
- March 29, 2004
- The next FirstFriday is planned for FirstFridayApril2004.
- March 25, 2004
- AmsterdamStammtisch meeting on April 19th
- February 13, 2004
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1.4 release! Get it from download location
- February 8, 2004
- Vadim] -- [VadimGritsenko
- January 26, 2004
- December 23, 2003
- December 8, 2003
- How we ProjectManagement the Cocoon project --ReinhardPoetz
- December 4, 2003
- Added draft of Vadim] -- [VadimGritsenko
- December 3, 2003
- Added LoadBalancingWithModProxy – TonyCollen
- December 1, 2003
- How we HowWeUseBugzilla – ReinhardPoetz
- November 27, 2003
- Added Testimonials. – TonyCollen
- November 24, 2003
- MovedToCvs added, please point to it if you move pages to the "official" CVS docs.
- CocoonFormsJSF - you're welcome to join the discussion!
- November 17, 2003
- Cocoon and WebServices added
- November 14, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1.3 release! Get it from download location
- November 10, 2003
- You want to share Cocoon experiences face to face or simply meet other people working with Cocoon in your area?
Have a look into the new UserGroups!
- You want to share Cocoon experiences face to face or simply meet other people working with Cocoon in your area?
- November 7, 2003
- The first FirstFriday bug-squash
- November 6, 2003
- Created a Wiki page aggregator – BrunoDumon
- October 27, 2003
- Come check out the ApacheConWiki! – Shane Curcuru
- October 17, 2003
- IMAPGenerator added. – TonyCollen
- October 13, 2003
*Austrian Cocoon Day registration is now open! - October 9, 2003
- FirstFriday added – BertrandDelacretaz
- October 7, 2003
- GetTogether2003Notes added
- October 3, 2003
- GT2003Hackathon pages updated, schedule has changed.
- October 2, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1.2 release! Get it from download location ...
- September 22, 2003 - ApacheCon registration is now open!
- September 17, 2003
- CocoonFeatures added. – ReinhardPoetz
- September 10, 2003
- WARNING: Your flow scripts will NOT work with 2.1.1 because of a bug in the rhino library. Expect 2.1.2 or at least a hotfix soon.
If you want to fix it yourself get the latest rhino library by checking out Cocoon 2.1 from CVS and replace the old rhino lib with
the new one.)
- WARNING: Your flow scripts will NOT work with 2.1.1 because of a bug in the rhino library. Expect 2.1.2 or at least a hotfix soon.
- September 08, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1.1 release! Get it from download location ...
- August 25, 2003
- Added basic docs describing the new Scheduler. – TonyCollen
- August 13, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1 release! Get it from download location ...
- July 30, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1 RC1 release! Get it from download location ...
- July 27, 2003
- Added the DeleteMe page to the leftnav for noting paged/attachements that need to be deleted. Should make the admin's life easier. – AndrewC.Oliver
- July 26, 2003
- Added the TriXML 2003 Cocoon tutorial slides/labs to the Tutorials page. – AndrewC.Oliver
- July 25, 2003
- Checkout WebSphereV5.0Deployment news. --GerhardFroehlich
- Various updates to the Woody pages. – BrunoDumon
- July 07, 2003
- Get an FinishingFlow of the open tasks of the Flow and FOM implementation. --ReinhardPoetz
- July 06, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1 M3 release! Get it from new download location...
- July 4, 2003
- Added RT on GeneralizedFlow -- MarcPortier
- July 3, 2003
- Removed references to HowToForrestTransition and ForrestProposal as these pages are not relevant anymore (Cocoon has its docs built by Forrest) -- Vadim
- June 23, 2003
- Updated LuceneIndexTransformer - a new component for efficiently generating Lucene indexes without crawling --Con
- June 19, 2003
- Added FOM - a draft of the Flow Object Model summarizing the current discussion on cocoon-dev --ReinhardPoetz
- June 6, 2003
- Added SettingTheJvmLocale - how to make sure the correct default encodings are used --BertrandDelacretaz
- June 3, 2003
- Added EndorsedLibsProblem and NoMoreDtmIdError - how to solve the Xalan problems with JDK 1.4 --SylvainWallez
- June 2, 2003
- InputModules page begun - could be a valuable resource for this useful but well hidden component. – BenjaminYoung
- May 26, 2003
- Added MigrateToCocoon2 - a how-to for migrating 1.8 XML content to 2.0.4 -- MichaelTiffany
- Added DatabaseConnectionOverview - a general introduction on how to connect Cocoon to a database --MichaelTiffany
- May 22, 2003
- Added NineOneOne - report suspicious Wiki activity here for our friendly admin -- BertrandDelacretaz
- May 21, 2003
- Cocoon Team is proud to announce Cocoon 2.1 M2 release! Get it from new download location...
- May 17, 2003
- Added CocoonHistory - bits and pieces about how this all happened -- BertrandDelacretaz
- May 14, 2003
- Added WritingForCacheEfficiency to help writing optimally efficient pipeline components -- SylvainWallez
- Added DebuggingWithViews to demonstrate adding debugging without changing pipeline logic_-- ILinKuo_
- May 5, 2003
- Added SamplesRefactor to help get the samples ready for the 2.1 release. DavidCrossley
- April 29, 2003
- Added LatestRelease, WhatIsFlow and CocoonReleaseHowTo-- BertrandDelacretaz
- April 28, 2003 -- TonyCollen
- Unleashed GettingStartedWithFlow.
- April 25, 2003 -- StevenNoels
- Did the BOFH thing by zapping all irrelevant attachments - please use Kazaa for filesharing
- Did the BOFH thing by zapping all irrelevant attachments - please use Kazaa for filesharing
- April 23, 2003 -- StevenNoels
- Installed version 2.0.39 of JSPWiki with (promised) much improved search speed
- April 22, 2003 -- BrunoDumon
- Added information about Woody: a new, fresh, unconventional form framework for Cocoon
- March 19, 2003 -- SylvainWallez
- Added RhinoWithContinuations which explains continuations used in Cocoon's flow engine.
- Added CleanerSiteMapsThroughResources and ResourceNaming reflecting some recent insight MarcPortier
- March 5, 2003
- Upped the JSPWiki engine to the current CVS version to fight the mysterious condition which causes JSPWiki to consume all available CPU for some unknown reason. Hope this helps. At the same time, cleaned up this page which has been altered for no particular reason. Go play in the SandBox, please. -- StevenNoels
- February 25, 2003 -- TonyCollen
- Added ResourceExistsAction
- February 24, 2003 -- TonyCollen
- Added BlockDescriptions
- February 2003 -- Steven Noels
- Finished migration to the new skin and a new version of the JSPWiki engine. Lots of things happening on the Wiki, check out the CocoonCompetenceCenter.
- Wiki change notification mails are now being sent to cocoon-docs@xml.apache.org - cocoon-docs-subscribe@xml.apache.org if you want uptodate Wiki news.
- January 22
- Added XMLFormXindice, a how-to on using Xindice for storage of XML resources with data gathered using XMLForms. JosemaAlonso
- January 20
- Added FileUploadsWithCocoon, an overview of how Cocoon deals with multipart file uploads and the configuration options available. GeoffHoward
- January 9
- Added BestPractices, also in the left menu (also added OurWishlists so that the menu is same size as before) – BertrandDelacretaz
- January 8
- Added Flow. 'Nuff said. – TonyCollen
- Tweaked Matchers after some traffic on cocoon-dev about escaping '{' characters with the regexp matcher. – TonyCollen
- January 3
- Added LoadInEclipse – SylvainWallez
- December 27-28
- Transition to http://wiki.cocoondev.org mostly completed - now running JSPWiki v2.0.7 (attachments! visual external hyperlinks! page templates! delete revisions!) - and implemented rough Forrest skin – StevenNoels
- December 18
- Updated DocbookTransformation:Using Docbook and the stylesheet by Norman Walsh in Cocoon – Gabridome
- December 14
- Cleaned up DeadPages, someone volunteering to take a look at UndefinedPages would be nice – StevenNoels
- December 4
- December 2
- Added WebServiceProxyGenerator – TonyCollen
- Added RequestParameterSelector – ArjeCahn – changed to WildcardRequestParameterMatcher, thanks Con! Oops.. (December 9)
- November 30
- Added HostSelector – ArjeCahn
- November 20 (Ghent GetTogether +1 - start of a new era
- Added HowToForrestTransition – DianaShannon
- Added ProductsBuiltForCocoon and ProductsBuiltOnCocoon to separate this from Links – BertrandDelacretaz
- November 18 (Ghent GetTogether -1)
- Added CocoonDocsPlan - this is being discussed on cocoon-docs – BertrandDelacretaz
- November 16
- Added Cocoon2.1DevSetupWin2000 - Cocoon 2.1 Dev instal for Dummies on Windows 2000 - FranckLumpe
- November 15
- Added DeadPages - come on kids, go play in the sand box... – BertrandDelacretaz
- November 11
- Added PHPGenerator and started writing a verbose installation HOWTO. – TonyCollen
- Updated As400 section in SpecificDatabaseConnection, adding some notes on JDK switching and definition of JNDI connection pools – Lorenzo
- November 8
- Added DevelopingComponents and moved part of ImplementingTransformers to WritingPipelineComponents. – BrunoDumon
- November 7
- Added ImplementingTransformers - Introduction on how to implement transformers BrunoDumon
- Added ExploringTheLogs - How to make sense of the Cocoon logs? – BertrandDelacretaz
- Added SpecificDatabaseConnection - How can I connect cocoon to my xxx database? – Gabridome
- November 4
- Added GraphicalWikiDream - who would like to draw on the wiki pages? – BertrandDelacretaz
- November 3
- Added ForrestProposal to determine how to automate Cocoon documentation rendering – DavidCrossley
- November 2nd
- Added ImageReader explaining how to use ImageReader to generate image thumbnails – Litrik
- Added BlocksDefinition – Written by Stefano Mazzocchi, wikified by StevenNoels and BertrandDelacretaz
- 1st November
- Added SitemapPatterns – TonyCollen
- 17th October
- Added CocoonDocsDrafts – BertrandDelacretaz
- 14th October
- 9th October
- Added AboutTheBuildTargets – TonyCollen
- 1st October
- Cleaned up some typos and incorrect spelling in DocbookTransformation – TonyCollen
- 20th September
- 13th September
- Added HowToCreateNewPages – BertrandDelacretaz
- Added JavaLogging – AlanHodgkinson
- 6th September
- 3rd September
- Added an Events listing and a first event – StevenNoels
- 1st September Back to School
- Contributors or users wanting to be People must not forget to add their name to People, too!
- 30th August
- Reshuffled SimilarServers page – StevenNoels
- 23rd August
- Added RT on SeparationOfLogicAndContent from AlanHodgkinson (after asking for permission) – JensLorenz
- 22nd August
- Added How To IntegrateAServlet which is a summary of a brief discussion on cocoon-users. It'd be useful to mine other similar tidbits from the mailing lists. – LeighDodds
- 18th August
- Added a request for XSPAction to the Wishlist
- 16th August
- Added Source and SourceVsGenerator. Work in progress ! – SylvainWallez
- Added BlocksUseCases – BertrandDelacretaz
- 12th August
- Added OutputEncoding – BertrandDelacretaz
- 9th August
- Defined AddCIncludeToMinimalSitemap – AndrewC.Oliver
- Added new How-To about SimpleTransformations – LeighDodds
- Added CocoonProtocolExample – BertrandDelacretaz
- 8th August
- Added mod_xslt to SimilarServers – TonyCollen
- Added CInclude transformer information and examples.
- Minor changes here and there regarding XLSSerializer.
- Warning that the XInclude transformer is NOT up to the specification, and kind of some *why* on the CInclude transformer. – AndrewC.Oliver
- Added SimilarServers – BertrandDelacretaz
- Added ServingStaticFiles to HowTos, and more documentation about the Reader component. – LeighDodds
- Added ErrorHandling page – LeighDodds
- 7th August
- Added PossibleApplications where people can throw out ideas for unique applications of Cocoon – TonyCollen
- Added a place-holder for a Cocoon Roadmap. Anyone care to start adding descriptions? – LeighDodds
- Added a RT about DistributingCocoonApplications – LeighDodds
- Added XLSSerializer to the MinimalSitemapConfiguration page which builds on the example and shows how to serialize to Excel based upon the example. AndrewC.Oliver
- Added DoYouLikeCocoon. While the Wishlist is about this Wiki, the idea for DoYouLikeCocoon is to get short "I like/I don't like" comments about Cocoon itself – BertrandDelacretaz
- Fixed up some broken references in the notes I uploaded, some formatting tweaks to various pages. Added the 'Referenced By' section to the left menu – LeighDodds
- Added a License page to make things clear on a legal ownership level – StevenNoels
- Added diagram to XSPFundamentals, added How-Tos on MetaStylesheets – LeighDodds
- 6th August – Poured in a chunk of content from my personal Wiki. This constitutes a collection of notes I compiled whilst writing three tutorials on Cocoon for IBM developerWorks. They're supplemented with some recent notes I've gathered on UnderstandingCocoonMounts and Resources. Any mistakes are entirely mine! The notes have been collected from all the Cocoon 2.0.x series, so there may be some inconsistencies where functionality has changed – LeighDodds
- August – Site created by StevenNoels