Welcome to the Lucene wiki! We use the wiki for brainstorming, maintainance of a FAQ, a free-for-all link database, and lots of miscellaneous snippets. Feel free to contribute. See (Obsolete) HowToContribute for more details.
Lucene is a text search engine API. Specifically, Lucene is the guts of a search engine - the hard stuff. You write the easy stuff, the UI and the process of selecting and parsing your data files to pump them into the search engine, yourself.
You can find the Lucene project at:
Lucene is high-performance, scalable, full-featured, open-source, and written in Java.
- BasicsOfPerformance – Page bringing various other pages on performance under one roof.
- ConceptsAndDefinitions – Concepts and Definitions related to Lucene.
- lucene status – CHANGES.txt svn head
- LuceneFAQ – The Lucene FAQ. Check here before asking on the list
- GdataServer – Gdata implementation using Lucene
- HowTo – Tips, tricks, and gotchas
- InformationRetrieval – Articles and Tutorials on Information Retrieval. Learn more about the theory behind Lucene
- SearchQualityReports – Reports on search quality experiments with Lucene.
- LuceneImplementations – Implementations of the Lucene index and search model in languages other than Java. Note that not all implementations are compatible with the Lucene Java File Format
- Resources – Books, Articles, Corpora... also see LuceneResources for projects that extend Lucene
- SourceRepository – How to get the sources
- JavaBugs – known bugs in various Java implementations (Oracle, Sun, OpenJDK, JRockit, IBM J9) that affect Lucene
- NearRealtimeSearch – How to perform updates and search on them immediately using Lucene
- Payloads - Information on payloads
- ParallelIncrementalIndexing – Using Lucene to build parallel indexes that support partial document updates
- StaticIndexPruning - removing some term and posting data from existing indexes while retaining retrieval quality of top-N results
- AvailableLockFactories - brief guide to different LockFactory implementations
- QueryParsers - query parser implementations
- CommunityContributions – Code, modules, etc. available outside of Apache
- (Obsolete) HowToContribute – We love patches, documentation, etc. Here's how to submit it.
- LatestNews – What's happening in the Lucene community
- OnTheRoad – Who's talking about Lucene and where?
- PoweredBy – Links to projects using Lucene
- Support – People and companies for hire.
- Training – Training courses
- UseCases – Want to share how you solved a particularly thorny issue in Lucene? Create a subpage under this one and write away
- BestPractices – Tips and techniques that can be regarded as best practices for Lucene.
- MailingListArchives – A list of archives of the Lucene Java (and probably others) mailing lists
- CommittersResources
- TestPlans
- Validation
- LucenePlanning – Whiteboard for future Lucene design
- TopLevelProject – Wiki stuff for the Lucene TLP, since the TLP doesn't have a wiki
Lucene Proposals
A spot for keeping track of new ideas related to Lucene (both TLP and Java specific)
- Archives – Older Wiki documents
- LuceneAtApacheConUs2009 – Proposed search technology track at the ApacheCon US
- LuceneMeetupMarch2009 – Lucene community gathering event in Amsterdam during the ApacheCon Europe
- LuceneRevolution2010 – Lucene Conference in Boston
- SummerOfCode2011 – Google Summer of Code 2011
How to edit this Wiki
This Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:
- Create an account by clicking the "Login" link at the top of any page, and picking a username and password.
- Send an email to requesting to be added to the ContributorsGroup wiki page.
- Due to excessive link spam, only confirmed humans who send a request to the mailing list are allowed to edit pages.
- Wait for a reply confirmation email that a wiki admin has added you to the ContributorsGroup.
- Edit any page by clicking the "Edit" link at the top or the bottom of the page.
- During the editing of the Lucene wiki, please use the markup :TODO: to denote items you know need cleaned up later. This will stand out visually on the page like so: :TODO: ... and :TODO: is easy to search for.
General wiki help:
- Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with quoted words in brackets
- Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page
- See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages.
- HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax: quick access to wiki syntax